Oenothera L.

Evening primrose (en), Œnothère (fr), Onagre (fr)


Angiosperms > Myrtales > Onagraceae


Annual, biennial or perennial herbs, caulescent or acaulescent, with a taproot or fibrous roots, occasionally with rhizomes or shoots arising from spreading lateral roots. Leaves alternate or in a basal rosette that often is absent in mature plants, entire, toothed to pinnatifid; stipules absent. Flowers perfect, actinomorphic, in axils of upper leaves, when numerous forming terminal leafy spikes, racemes, or corymbs, opening near sunset or near sunrise. Floral tube usually well developed, cylindric and somewhat flared near mouth, deciduous soon after anthesis. Sepals 4, green or yellowish, often tinged or striped red or purple. Petals 4, yellow, purple, pink, or white. Stamens 8; anthers versatile; pollen shed singly. Ovary with 4 locules; ovules numerous; stigma divided into 4 linear lobes, receptive all around, and subtended by a ± conspicuous ringlike indusium in early development, but often obscured when receptive. Fruit a dehiscent capsule [rarely indehiscent outside of China], straight or curved, terete to 4-angled or winged, sessile, occasionally pedicellate, or basal portion sterile and stipelike. Seeds numerous, in 1 or 2(or 3) rows or in clusters in each of 4 locules. 2n = 14, 28, 42, 56.
Fls 4-merous, solitary in the axils or forming a terminal raceme or spike, commonly vespertine and ephemeral, but matutinal or diurnal and lasting several days in spp. 13–17; hypanthium usually slenderly tubular and prolonged well beyond the ovary (at least 3 mm in all but one of our spp.), deciduous from the fr; sep at first connate, often with terminal or subterminal appendages, splitting at anthesis and reflexed; pet in most of our spp. yellow, in two white or pink, often large and showy; stamens 8, equal or alternately unequal; anthers versatile (sometimes obscurely so in small fls); sporogenous tissue continuous in each microsporangium; ovary 4-locular; ovules numerous; style ± elongate; stigma with 4 slender lobes stigmatic all around; capsule prismatic to terete or winged, linear to ovoid or obovoid, in some spp. deeply sulcate and strongly angled; herbs with alternate, mostly narrow lvs. (Kneiffia, Hartmannia, Lavauxia, Megapterium, Meriolix, Peniophyllum, Raimannia) 80, New World.
Annual, biennial or perennial herbs, sometimes acaulescent. Leaves basal or alternate, subentire and undulate to pinnatifid. Inflorescence spicate or racemose or flowers solitary in arils of upper leaves. Flowers often conspicuous, actinomorphic, usually opening in the evening and fading the next morning. Hypanthium usually much elongated, slender, deciduous above the ovary after anthesis. Sepals 4. Petals 4, yellow, rose purple, pink or white, often becoming reddish with age. Stamens usually 8, occasionally as few as 4. Ovary 4-locular. Fruit a many-seeded capsule, sessile or basal portion sterile and stipe-like. [The above description from the Flora of Australia Volume 18 (1990) excludes Gaura which was treated as a separate genus in the Flora but now treated as a synonym of Oenothera, hence this treatment requires further revision-Editor, 19 October 2020.]
Annual, biennial or perennial herbs, caulescent or acaulescent, sometimes almost shrubby. Lvs alternate or in basal rosettes, simple and entire to pinnatisect or 2-pinnate. Fls in terminal leafy spikes, 1 or few in axils of subtending lvs. Axis of fl. produced well beyond ovary to form a prominent deciduous floral tube. Sepals 4, reflexed at anthesis, sometimes white to red. Petals 4, generally large (> 10 mm long), usually yellow, white or pink. Stamens 8, equal or the 4 outer or antisepalous ones longer; anthers usually versatile and not erect. Ovary 4-celled; stigma capitate to 4-lobed. Capsule loculicidal, 4-valved, ± elongated, membranous to woody, free or fused with subtending bract, sometimes winged. Seeds numerous, often angular, occasionally winged.
Annual to perennial, caulescent or acaulescent herbs, with alternate or basal leaves. Flowers white to yellow or rose, often aging reddish or purplish, solitary in axils or in racemes or spikes. Floral tube prolonged beyond the ovary, quite deciduous. Sepals 4, reflexed in anthesis. Petals 4. Stamens 8, equal, or if unequal the epipetalous shorter; anthers mostly versatile. Stigma varying from having 4 linear lobes, to discoid or capitate. Capsule membranous to woody, straight to curved or coiled, 4-loculed, 4-valved, mostly dehiscent. Seeds many, naked.
Annual or perennial herbs, occasionally woody near the base. Leaves decreasing in size upward from a basal rosette. Inflorescence bracteate, spicate leafy racemes. Flowers actinomorphic to strongly zygomorphic, usually opening at sunrise or sunset and fading within the day. Hypanthium short and narrow. Sepals 3 or 4, deciduous. Petals 3 or 4, white, turning reddish with age. Stamens twice as many as sepals, subequal. Ovary 3-or 4-locular. Fruit indehiscent, woody and nut-like. Seeds 1 to few.
Flowers borne in the axils of often reduced leaves, often clustered in an inflorescence near the ends of the sterns.
Petals 4, caducous, yellow, white, or rose-purple, with contorted aestivation.
Ovary 4-locular; ovules in 1-many rows in each locule, the seeds free.
Stamens 8; anthers attached near the middle.
Leaves alternate, entire to pinnatifid.
Annual, biennial, or perennial herbs.
Stigma deeply 4-lobed.
Seeds lacking hairs.
Floral tube present.
Capsule loculicidal.
Pollen shed singly.
Sepals 4, caducous.
Bracteoles absent.
Stipules absent.
Life form
Growth form herb
Growth support -
Foliage retention deciduous
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) -
Root system fibrous-root rhizome tap-root
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 4-9


Uses -
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) 15 - 30
Germination temperacture (C°) 18 - 22
Germination luminosity light
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Oenothera unspecified picture
Oenothera unspecified picture


Oenothera world distribution map, present in Australia, China, New Zealand, Panama, and United States of America


LSID urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:60437227-2
WFO ID wfo-4000026653
BDTFX ID 83603
INPN ID 195388
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link


Stenosiphon Meriolix Baumannia Lavauxia Raimannia Dictyopetalum Kneiffia Onosuris Pseudo-oenothera Megapterium Calylophus Gaura Anogra Blennoderma Galpinsia Hartmannia Pachylophus Peniophyllum Xylopleurum Onagra Gaurella Oenothera

Lower taxons

Oenothera breedlovei Oenothera perennis Oenothera x polgarii Oenothera epilobiifolia Oenothera elata Oenothera x drawertii Oenothera villosa Oenothera stubbei Oenothera murdockii Oenothera sinuosa Oenothera tamrae Oenothera tafiensis Oenothera grandiflora l'hér. Oenothera tetraptera Oenothera picensis Oenothera anomala Oenothera biennis Oenothera pennellii Oenothera oakesiana Oenothera muelleri Oenothera moravica Oenothera odorata Oenothera riskindii Oenothera maysillesii Oenothera x fallax Oenothera nuttallii Oenothera acutissima Oenothera indecora Oenothera scabra Oenothera tubifera Oenothera argillicola Oenothera avita Oenothera brachycarpa Oenothera californica Oenothera canescens Oenothera coronopifolia Oenothera curtissii Oenothera deltoides Oenothera engelmannii Oenothera grandis Oenothera havardii Oenothera heterophylla Oenothera humifusa Oenothera jamesii Oenothera kunthiana Oenothera linifolia Oenothera longissima Oenothera neomexicana Oenothera organensis Oenothera pilosella Oenothera platanorum Oenothera primiveris Oenothera pubescens Oenothera rhombipetala Oenothera spachiana Oenothera texensis Oenothera triloba Oenothera wolfii Oenothera xylocarpa Oenothera multicaulis Oenothera coryi Oenothera parodiana Oenothera cespitosa Oenothera serrulata Oenothera acaulis Oenothera grisea Oenothera peruana Oenothera deserticola Oenothera falfurriae Oenothera grisea Oenothera psammophila Oenothera abramsii Oenothera howardii Oenothera clelandii Oenothera harringtonii Oenothera mollissima Oenothera nocturna Oenothera nutans Oenothera tarijensis Oenothera recurva Oenothera pseudoelongata Oenothera catharinensis Oenothera centaureifolia Oenothera coquimbensis Oenothera featherstonei Oenothera lasiocarpa Oenothera verrucosa Oenothera macrosceles Oenothera dissecta Oenothera bistorta Oenothera tetragona Oenothera versicolor Oenothera wigginsii Oenothera hartwegii Oenothera greggii Oenothera lavandulifolia Oenothera rivadaviae Oenothera hamata Oenothera tubicula Oenothera brevipetala Oenothera x purpurans Oenothera boquillensis Oenothera calcicola Oenothera cinerea Oenothera coloradensis Oenothera curtiflora Oenothera demareei Oenothera filiformis Oenothera filipes Oenothera hexandra Oenothera lindheimeri Oenothera mckelveyae Oenothera simulans Oenothera suffulta Oenothera triangulata Oenothera arizonica Oenothera x braunii Oenothera simplex Oenothera toumeyi Oenothera dodgeniana Oenothera mendocinensis Oenothera santarii Oenothera longituba Oenothera pedunculifolia Oenothera bahia-blancae Oenothera montevidensis Oenothera siambonensis Oenothera tucumanensis Oenothera orizabae Oenothera podocarpa Oenothera podocarpa Oenothera hispida Oenothera nealleyi Oenothera pallida Oenothera subacaulis Oenothera guttata Oenothera x clavifera Oenothera berlandieri Oenothera magallanica Oenothera seifrizii Oenothera albicaulis Oenothera arida Oenothera patriciae Oenothera glaucifolia Oenothera elongata Oenothera sandiana Oenothera arequipensis Oenothera ravenii Oenothera nana Oenothera luciae-julianiae Oenothera punae Oenothera heiniana Oenothera villaricae Oenothera ovata Oenothera laciniata Oenothera macrocarpa Oenothera affinis Oenothera longiflora Oenothera suffrutescens Oenothera fruticosa Oenothera drummondii Oenothera flava Oenothera gaura Oenothera speciosa Oenothera parviflora Oenothera rosea Oenothera stricta Oenothera glazioviana