Dichapetalum Thouars


Angiosperms > Malpighiales > Dichapetalaceae


Lianas, lianescent shrubs, shrubs, or small trees with sympodial growth. Stems often with intruding phloem; branches solid or hollow, often distinctly lenticellate, the lenticels in vertical rows or scattered. Stipules caducous or persistent, simple, entire, or variously lobed or divided. Leaves spirally arranged on the orthotropic shoots, but pseudo-distichous on the plagiotropic shoots, strongly reduced to absent on orthotropic shoots in lianas, shortly-petioled, pinnatinerved, margins entire; orbicular, usually flat glands nearly always present on the leaf-blade, mostly beneath. Inflorescences axillary, sometimes arranged on leafless axillary or terminal shoots, cymose, distinctly branched or subglobose, sessile or pedunculate; peduncle free or adnate to the petiole; bracts and bracteoles usually small; pedicel articulate, the upper part (the true pedicel) variable in length, absent to very distinct Flowers small, actinomorphic, 5-merous, bisexual in African species. Receptacle flat or slightly concave. Sepals unequal to subequal, imbricate, free or shortly united, rarely forming a tube. Petals whitish to pale yellow, equal, alternating with the sepals, ± spathulate in outline, at base usually as wide as the filaments and adnate to them, rarely the petals entirely free, bilobed to entire, the lobes flat or concave. Stamens 5, equal, episepalous; anthers introrse, opening by longitudinal slits, usually with a strongly thickened connective. Staminodes 5, epipetalous, variously shaped, sometimes united into a disk-like lobulate ring or cupula. Pistil 2–3(–4)-merous; obturator often present; styles free or coherent. Fruit with 1–3(–4) pyrenes, subglobose or deeply lobed, usually yellow to orange at maturity; exocarp dehiscent or indehiscent; mesocarp fleshy; endocarp indehiscent, with a distinct apical, and usually partly ventral, suture, leathery or bony, often hairy inside. Seeds exalbuminous, usually with a rather thin testa; cotyledons planoconvex, often grooved on the convex sides.
Monoecious or dioecious trees, (often scrambling) shrubs, or lianas. Twigs and bark rather tough; medullary rays in twigs many, distinct; pith rather small, usually dark-coloured and often disappearing early; wood rather hard. Stipules narrowly triangular to subulate, sometimes rather early caducous. Leaves spirally arranged but usually pseudo-distichous, short-petioled, pinnatinerved; margin entire, thickened by a nerve; orbicular flat glands nearly always present on the surface of the leaf, mostly beneath in the basal part; base not rarely slightly inequilateral. Growth mode: apparently mostly in flushes. Inflorescences axillary (sometimes pseudo-terminal on leafless axillary shoots), dichotomously branched or glomerulous, sometimes reduced to 2 or 1 flower(s); lower forks with 1 transverse bractlet. Pedicels articulated near the apex. Flowers small, 5-merous, bi-or unisexual, in Mal. spp. hypo-or only slightly epigynous. Sepals ovate, imbricate, slightly confluent at the base, usually pubescent on either side. Petals (in Mal. spp.) free, more or less spathulate, bifid to emarginate, creamy to white when fresh, dark when dried. Stamens 5, episepalous, (in Mal. spp.) free; anthers introrse, opening by a longitudinal slit; connective strongly thickened. Disk consisting of 5 intrastaminal, epipetalous lobes. Pistil 2-or 3-merous, exceptionally 4-merous; styles free or more or less connate; ovules 2 per cell, apical, pendent, anatropous, only one developing into a seed. Drupe usually tomentose, more or less lobed, in Mal. spp. orange or yellow when fresh; pericarp thin, fleshy, the angles usually with distinct sutures apparently indehiscent; endocarp crustaceous; stones 1-3, 1-seeded, often faintly united. The fruits of at least some species are apparently dehiscent (D. papuanum, D. helferianum, D. gelonioides, cf KANJILAL & DAS Fl. Assam 1 1937 246 ), exposing the orange-coloured to scarlet, thin mesocarp. Seeds exalbuminous; cotyledons fleshy, planoconvex.
Small trees, shrubs or lianas. Leaves petiolate. Inflorescences axillary or adnate to petiole, branched cymose or corymbose panicles with long peduncles. Flowers hermaphrodite, polygamous or dioecious, actinomorphic; bracts small; receptacle usually convex or subplanate; sepals 5, imbricate, free, or connate at base; petals 5, free to base, alternate with sepals, usually bicucullate and 2-lobed at apex, margins of lobes inflexed and sometimes enveloping anthers; stamens 5, equal, free, all fertile in male and hermaphrodite flowers, filaments usually free, rarely connate at base only, anthers broadly oblong, introrse; disk usually consisting of 5 hypogynous glands opposite to petals, glands entire, shallowly lobed, free or united; ovary globose, 2-3-locular with 2 ovules in each locule, styles 1-3, free or connate almost to apex, rudimentary pistil present in male flowers. Fruits dry indehiscent drupes, 1-3-locular, usually with 1 seed in each loculus, epicarp pubescent.
Small trees, erect or scandent shrubs. Leaves simple, alternate, spirally arranged, often 2-pseudoseriate, entire; stipules 2, deciduous; petiole short. Flowers small, bisexual or rarely unisexual, in axillary cymes. Pedicel articulated at apex. Sepals 5, imbricate, slightly united at base, differing in size, or equal. Petals 5, free, ± spatulate, apex 2-lobed or subentire. Stamens 5, equal. Glands 5, or disk undulate. Ovary superior, 2-or 3-locular; style free or ± connate. Drupe often pubescent, orange or yellow when fresh; exocarp thin, slightly fleshy; endocarp crustaceous. Seed 1.
Trees or shrubs, erect or scandent. Leaves petiolate, the paired stipules linear or narrowly lanceolate. Inflorescences often laxly cymose-corymbose, few-or usually many-flowered, arising from axils of upper leaves or rarely terminal. Flowers regular, mostly white, short-pedicellate; sepals usually distinct, more or less equal; petals distinct, equal; stamens usually fertile, distinct, more or less equal, the anthers broadly oblong; disk glands 5, opposite the petals or connate into a sinuate disk. Drupe coriaceous with 1, rarely 2, seeds.
Trees, shrubs (often scrambling) or lianes. Leaves alternate, pseudo-distichous, pinnatinerved, usually glandular; glands flat, orbicular, mostly abaxial at base; margins entire, thickened by a nerve; stipules triangular to subulate. Inflorescence axillary, usually dichotomously branched; pedicels articulate near apex. Petals free, bifid to emarginate. Stamens episepalous. Glands intrastaminal epipetalous lobes. Ovary superior. Fruit a drupe, lobed, with or without suture; pericarp fleshy; endocarp crustaceous; stones 1–3, 1-seeded.
Fruits drupaceous, dry or rarely fleshy with (1) 2–3 mericarps; mericarps obtuse or acuminate.
Disk sometimes divided into 5 squamulous glands.
Otherwise characters of the family.
Flowers actinomorphic.
Stamens all fertile.
Life form -
Growth form
Growth support -
Foliage retention deciduous
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) -
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months -
Fruit color
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


The Malaysian species are mostly confined to the substage of the rain-forest, ascending to c. 1800 m altitude. Only one species (D. timoriense) is growing in part of its area under semi-arid (seasonal) climatic conditions in SE. Java and the Lesser Sunda Islands.None of the species plays a predominant role in the forest vegetation and as a matter of fact the genus is on the whole inconspicuous and scarce. No data worthy of note are available on pollination or dispersal.In most species the 'lobes' of the drupes show a marked marginal lengthwise 'suture' suggesting a line of dehiscence; however, no dehiscence has been observed.
Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 8-12


Uses. No useful plants of any repute are among Malaysian Dichapetalum. In Africa some species are very poisonous by a most remarkable toxic compound (acetic fluor, ch2 F COOH), unique in the plant kingdom. See R. PETERS ( R. PETERS Endeavour 13 1954 147 ).
Uses poison
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Dichapetalum unspecified picture


Dichapetalum world distribution map, present in Australia, Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba, Brazil, China, Micronesia (Federated States of), Indonesia, Mexico, Malaysia, Panama, Peru, and South Africa


LSID urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:327090-2
WFO ID wfo-4000011405
INPN ID 730648
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link


Mestotes Plappertia Dichapetalum Icacinopsis Pentastira Chailletia

Lower taxons

Dichapetalum angolense Dichapetalum axillare Dichapetalum bangii Dichapetalum coelhoi Dichapetalum congoense Dichapetalum crassifolium Dichapetalum cymosum Dichapetalum deflexum Dichapetalum dewildei Dichapetalum dictyospermum Dichapetalum gentryi Dichapetalum helferianum Dichapetalum heudelotii Dichapetalum hirtum Dichapetalum latifolium Dichapetalum laurocerasus Dichapetalum letouzeyi Dichapetalum leucocarpum Dichapetalum lofense Dichapetalum longipetalum Dichapetalum lujae Dichapetalum macrocarpum Dichapetalum madagascariense Dichapetalum mathisii Dichapetalum melanocladum Dichapetalum mexicanum Dichapetalum mombuttense Dichapetalum moralesii Dichapetalum nevermannianum Dichapetalum oliganthum Dichapetalum papuanum Dichapetalum parvifolium Dichapetalum pauper Dichapetalum pedicellatum Dichapetalum pedunculatum Dichapetalum perrieri Dichapetalum petaloideum Dichapetalum pierrei Dichapetalum potamophilum Dichapetalum pulchrum Dichapetalum rabiense Dichapetalum reliquum Dichapetalum rufum Dichapetalum schulzii Dichapetalum steyermarkii Dichapetalum stipulatum Dichapetalum sumbense Dichapetalum tenerum Dichapetalum tenuifolium Dichapetalum trichocephalum Dichapetalum ugandense Dichapetalum umbellatum Dichapetalum unguiculatum Dichapetalum vitiense Dichapetalum platyphyllum Dichapetalum neglectum Dichapetalum bernalii Dichapetalum alaotrense Dichapetalum albidum Dichapetalum altescandens Dichapetalum arachnoideum Dichapetalum arenarium Dichapetalum asplundeanum Dichapetalum barbatum Dichapetalum barbosae Dichapetalum barteri Dichapetalum beilschmiedioides Dichapetalum bellum Dichapetalum berendinae Dichapetalum bocageanum Dichapetalum bodyi Dichapetalum braunii Dichapetalum brenesii Dichapetalum bullatum Dichapetalum chalotii Dichapetalum choristilum Dichapetalum donnell-smithii Dichapetalum findouense Dichapetalum froesii Dichapetalum fructuosum Dichapetalum gelonioides Dichapetalum geminostellatum Dichapetalum germainii Dichapetalum gilletii Dichapetalum glomeratum Dichapetalum grandifolium Dichapetalum grayumii Dichapetalum griffithii Dichapetalum hammelii Dichapetalum inaequale Dichapetalum inopinatum Dichapetalum insigne Dichapetalum lindicum Dichapetalum minutiflorum Dichapetalum montanum Dichapetalum morenoi Dichapetalum mossambicense Dichapetalum mundense Dichapetalum zenkeri Dichapetalum obanense Dichapetalum odoratum Dichapetalum reticulatum Dichapetalum rudatisii Dichapetalum ruficeps Dichapetalum rugosum Dichapetalum sordidum Dichapetalum spruceanum Dichapetalum staminellatum Dichapetalum steenisii Dichapetalum stuhlmannii Dichapetalum tetrastachyum Dichapetalum thollonii Dichapetalum timoriense Dichapetalum tricapsulare Dichapetalum virchowii Dichapetalum vondrozanum Dichapetalum witianum Dichapetalum zeylanicum Dichapetalum nervatum Dichapetalum klaineanum Dichapetalum cubense Dichapetalum affine Dichapetalum coelhoorum Dichapetalum cambodianum Dichapetalum discolor Dichapetalum integripetalum Dichapetalum oblongum Dichapetalum prancei Dichapetalum ruhlandii Dichapetalum affine Dichapetalum bojeri Dichapetalum chlorinum Dichapetalum cymulosum Dichapetalum nigrescens Dichapetalum oleifolium Dichapetalum pachypus Dichapetalum toxicarium Dichapetalum pallidum Dichapetalum korupinum Dichapetalum nyangense Dichapetalum rhodesicum Dichapetalum scorpioideum Dichapetalum sessiliflorum Dichapetalum setosum Dichapetalum acuminatum Dichapetalum dewevrei Dichapetalum librevillense Dichapetalum staudtii Dichapetalum tomentosum Dichapetalum gabonense Dichapetalum edule Dichapetalum eickii Dichapetalum fadenii Dichapetalum filicaule Dichapetalum foreroi Dichapetalum gassitae