Bulbine Wolf

Siméthide de Mattiazzi (fr), Simethis à feuilles aplaties (fr), Siméthis de Mattiazzi (fr), Siméthide à feuilles planes (fr), Phalangère à feuilles planes (fr)


Angiosperms > Asparagales > Asphodelaceae


Herbs, sometimes with a short rhizome or bulb-shaped tuber. Roots fibrous, often thickened. Leaves radical, fleshy, linear or subulate, often with dilated, membranous sheathing base. Inflorescence a scapose raceme. Flowers yellow, articulate on slender pedicels; bracts membranous. Perianth segments 6, free or almost so, subequal, with single nerve prominent in bud. Stamens 6, hypogynous or attached to base of perianth, all or inner 3 bearded on upper half of filament; filaments slender, often flattened at base; anthers oblong, with shallowly or deeply lobed base; filament attached ±dorsally at or slightly above junction of lobes. Ovary superior, trilocular; ovules biseriate, 2-8 per locule; style filiform; stigma entire or trilobed, small, papillose. Fruit a loculicidal capsule. Seeds black, brown or grey.
Succulent glabrous perennials, rhizomatous and caespitose, much-branched suffrutices or solitary geophytes. Leaves in a basal rosette or distichous or cauline and alternate, fleshy and often terete or angled, with a tubular basal sheath, the outer leaves reduced, membranous and sheathing. Inflorescence a many-flowered raceme on a naked peduncle usually longer than the leaves; bracts membranous; pedicels usually long, not articulated; flowers yellow or rarely white, orange or pink. Perianth of 6 free tepals, spreading or reflexed, all 1-nerved, oblong. Stamens 6; filaments densely hairy in upper half. Ovary globose, with 2–4 ovules per locule. Capsule globose, occasionally inflated. Seeds angled, smooth or tuberculate, ovate, flattened and winged, black.
Stems branching or basal or 0.Leaves basal and rosulate or distichous, or spaced along the woody stems, erect spreading or prostrate, sheathing at the base and sometimes persisting as a sheath of fibres; lamina ± fleshy, subterete or angular or lanceolate, entire, glabrous or the margins occasionally ciliolate, often reduced or absent in outer leaves (squamae).
Perianth segments (tepals) free, usually yellow or greenish-yellow, brown or sometimes white (rarely pink or mauve), with a single dark central vein, the outer narrower than the inner, sometimes cucullate, spreading or ± reflexed for a short time then closing about the developing fruit, circumscissile below with a small annulus persisting below the ovary.
Inflorescence simple, overtopping the leaves, with flowers racemosely arranged on a peduncle (scape); peduncle terete, naked; racemes densely to laxly cylindrical or corymbiform; floral bracts membranous, ± auriculate or not, persistent; pedicels ascending, patent or ± recurved, persistent.
Seeds black or dark brown, angular or pyramidal with a convex outer face and 2–3 flat inner faces tapering to the point of attachment, sometimes narrowly winged on the angles, sometimes with a reticulate pattern of ridges on the faces inmature seeds.
Succulent geophytic herbs (rarely annual), caespitose (tufted) from a small woody rhizome or solitary from a tuberous or cormose rootstock, acaulescent or sometimes caulescent, glabrous or sparsely puberulent.
Stamens 6, erect, free, slightly shorter than the perianth segments; filaments densely bearded; anthers dorsifixed, versatile, introrse.
Ovary sessile, 3-locular, globose with 2–many ovules in each locule, axile; style terete; stigma capitate.
Capsule loculicidally 3-valved, globose or oblong-ovoid, sometimes inflated.
Roots numerous, fibrous or ± stoutly fleshy.
Life form perennial
Growth form herb
Growth support -
Foliage retention evergreen
Sexuality -
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) -
Root system fibrous-root rhizome
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) -


Uses -
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Bulbine unspecified picture


Bulbine world distribution map, present in Australia


LSID urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:331159-2
WFO ID wfo-4000005720
BDTFX ID 11394
INPN ID 86918
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link


Nemopogon Bulbinopsis Blephanthera Bulbine Jodrellia

Lower taxons

Bulbine longifolia Bulbine alooides Bulbine annua Bulbine bulbosa Bulbine flexicaulis Bulbine haworthioides Bulbine lagopus Bulbine lavrani Bulbine louwii Bulbine margarethae Bulbine meiringii Bulbine narcissifolia Bulbine ophiophylla Bulbine pendens Bulbine praemorsa Bulbine quartzicola Bulbine ramosa Bulbine rhopalophylla Bulbine rupicola Bulbine torsiva Bulbine triebneri Bulbine truncata Bulbine dactylopsoides Bulbine inamarxiae Bulbine capensis Bulbine lolita Bulbine stolonifera Bulbine suurbergensis Bulbine alveolata Bulbine alata Bulbine angustifolia Bulbine bachmannii Bulbine bruynsii Bulbine coetzeei Bulbine cremnophila Bulbine diphylla Bulbine disimilis Bulbine esterhuyseniae Bulbine fistulosa Bulbine flexuosa Bulbine foleyi Bulbine fragilis Bulbine inflata Bulbine lamprophylla Bulbine latifolia Bulbine melanovaginata Bulbine migiurtina Bulbine minima Bulbine monophylla Bulbine muscicola Bulbine namaensis Bulbine navicularifolia Bulbine sedifolia Bulbine semenaliundata Bulbine striata Bulbine succulenta Bulbine thomasiae Bulbine vagans Bulbine vitrea Bulbine vittatifolia Bulbine wiesei Bulbine macrocarpa Bulbine retinens Bulbine crassa Bulbine praemorsa Bulbine asphodeloides Bulbine spongiosa Bulbine dewetii Bulbine hallii Bulbine torta Bulbine glauca Bulbine cepacea Bulbine semibarbata Bulbine mesembryanthemoides Bulbine capitata Bulbine erectipilosa Bulbine fallax Bulbine francescae Bulbine erumpens Bulbine pendula Bulbine frutescens Bulbine abyssinica Bulbine favosa Bulbine asphodeloides