Herbs or (in Malesian region) rarely small trees. Leaves paripinnate. Leaflets few (rarely) to many; foliar glands usually present, disc-or cup-shaped, rarely flat. Flowers yellow to red. Sepals 5. Petals 5 Stamens 10 to 5 fertile; filaments straight; anther-thecae ciliolate along the sutures, dehiscing terminally by slit or pore. Pods elastically dehiscent, the valves coiling. Seeds with either smooth or pitted seedcoat, always exareolate.
Herbs or suffrutescent herbs, rarely small trees. Leaves abruptly pinnate; leaflets opposite; foliar glands usually present, disk-or cup-shaped, rarely flat. Flowers yellow or red. Sepals 5. Petals 5, unequal. Stamens 10 to 5 fertile, filaments straight, anther thecae ciliolate along suture, dehiscent terminally by slit or pore. Legume elastically dehiscent, valves coiling. Seeds with either smooth or pitted testa, usually exareolate.
Leaves paripinnate, usually with numerous leaflets; stipules narrowly triangular, appressed, persistent; petiole usually with a gland towards the top; rachis channelled above, the margins of the channel sometimes fused to form a ridge or crest; leaflets usually oblong, asymmetric.
Inflorescences axillary or supra-axillary, few-flowered; pedicels slender, often elongating after flowering, bracteate near the apex.
Seeds brown, shiny, rhomboid, flattened, usually with lines of small pits on the testa.
Stems usually hairy with short curved (crisped) hairs and/or straight spreading hairs.
Annual or perennial herbs, sometimes woody at the base.
Calyx lobes subequal, narrowly ovate, acuminate.
Stamens 5–10, subequal, dehiscing by slits.
Petals yellow, delicate, obovate to oblong.
Ovary oblong, hairy, with many ovules.
Pods linear, elastically dehiscent.