Albizia Durazz.

Albizia (en), Albizzia (fr)


Angiosperms > Fabales > Fabaceae


Trees, sometimes shrubs, very rarely climbing (not so in Africa); prickles or spines absent in the African species (except for a very small prickle beneath the node in A. harveyi and that in A. anthelmintica some branchlets may be sharp and spinescent at ends); sharp hooks apparently representing petiole-bases present in a very few extra-African species. Leaves bipinnate; pinnae each with one to many pairs of leaflets. Inflorescences of round heads, or (not in native African species) spikes or spiciform racemes, pedunculate, axillary and solitary or much more often fascicled, often aggregated near ends of branchlets, which may be lateral and much shortened, sometimes paniculately arranged. Flowers hermaphrodite or occasionally ♂ and hermaphrodite; 1–2 central flowers in each head frequently larger, different in form from the others and apparently ♂. Calyx gamosepalous, with normally 5 teeth or lobes (rarely 4, 6 or 7). Corolla gamopetalous, infundibuliform or campanulate, with normally 5 lobes (rarely 4 or 6, or in A. coriaria and A. tanganyicensis the lobes may be irregularly connate among themselves). Stamens numerous (19–50), fertile, their filaments united in their lower part into a slender tube sometimes projecting from, sometimes shorter than the corolla. Pods oblong, straight, flat, usually dehiscent, not septate inside, the valves papery to rigidly coriaceous but not thickened or fleshy. Seeds usually ± flattened.
Shrubs, trees, or lianas, usually unarmed, the lianas being armed by an unpaired prickle from the base of the leaf-scar. Stipules present, subular to linear or auriculate, often early caducous, in one species transformed into recurved thorns. Leaves bipinnate, not sensitive to the touch, rachis and pinnae with extrafloral nectaries; leaflets opposite, sessile or stalked. Inflorescences consisting of pedunculate glomerules or corymbs which are either axillary or aggregated into terminal or axillary panicles; floral bracts small, linear-oblong, or absent. Flowers pentamerous, usually dimorphic (uniform in 5 species), the marginal flowers in each flowerhead bisexual, the central flower male and enlarged with a conspicuous nectary. Calyx connate, valvate, rarely circumscissile at the base. Corolla connate, valvate. Stamens numerous, united into a tube at the base; anthers eglandular. Ovary solitary, sessile or stipitate. Pods chartaceous to coriaceous, straight (or curved), flat, dehiscent, tardily dehiscent or indehiscent, seeds usually not in separate chambers; valves yellowish, brownish or blackish outside, not reddish inside; endocarp not forming envelopes around each seed. Seeds circular, elliptic to oblong in outline, ± flattened, with a hard testa with pleurogram, wingless; aril absent; endosperm absent; cotyledons large, radicle curved.
Trees or shrubs, mostly unarmed, pubescent or glabrous. Leaves few-ranked, usually large, bipinnate, the pinnae and leaflets few to many pairs; petiole gland-ular, the gland usually borne near or below the middle, less frequently above the middle,-but always below insertion of the lowermost pair of pinnae; petiolar gland concave, longitudinally oblong and sunken in the petiole to orbicular and erect; rachis and pinnular rachis usually also bearing glands, especially towards the tips; leaflets small and linear to moderate and ovate, variously pubescent; stipules usually caducous or lacking. Inflorescence of usually subterminal, axillary, pedunculate heads, spikes, or umbels. Flowers pentamerous, synsepalous and sympetalous, regu-lar, almost invariably perfect, white to pink; calyx campanulate to tubular, toothed apically, usually pubescent; corolla mostly funnelform, valvate; stamens numerous, united below into a staminal tube which is usually included; anthers small, egland-ular. Legume linear to oblong, relatively broad but very flat and thin, straight, dry, not septate, indehiscent or tardily dehiscent, the valves never contorted nor elastically dehiscent, the seeds transverse.
Trees or shrubs, usually unarmed, rarely scandent and with short, recurved hooks. Leaves bipinnate; stipules usually small, rarely larger and caducous; petiole and rachis with glands; leaflets small in numerous pairs or larger in few pairs. Inflorescences of globose heads, arranged in axillary or terminal panicles. Flowers bisexual. Calyx campanulate or funnel-shaped, 5-toothed. Corolla funnel-shaped, upper part 5-lobed. Stamens numerous, connate into a tube at base, free part of filaments long exserted; anthers small. Central flowers of heads with broader calyx and much longer filament tube. Ovary flattened; style long, slender; stigma minute. Legume broadly linear or oblong, straight, plano-compressed, indehiscent, or dehiscent along both sutures, continuous inside. Seeds ovoid or orbicular, compressed, funicle filiform.
Shrubs or trees. Leaves bipinnate; leaf axes with extrafloral nectaries; pinnae 2-6-jugate; leaflets opposite, petiolulate. Inflorescence axillary or a terminal panicle of pedunculate corymbs or glomerules, solitary or fasciculate. Flowers 5-merous, commonly dimorphic with central flower staminate and often larger; calyx and corolla valvate, tubular to funnel-shaped with short lobes. Stamens numerous, united in basal tube; anthers eglandular. Pod flat, chartaceous to coriaceous, dehiscent along both sutures. Seeds circular to oval to oblong, ±flat, unwinged; pleurogram present.
Trees, sometimes shrubs, very rarely climbing (not so in Africa); prickles or spines absent in the African spp. (except for a very small prickle beneath the node in A. harveyi and except that in A. anthelmintica some branchlets may be sharp and spinescent at the ends); sharp hooks apparently representing petiole-bases present in a very few extra-African spp. Leaves 2-pinnate; pinnae each with one to many pairs of leaflets.
Cal campanulate, gamosepalous, 5-toothed; corolla funnelform, gamopetalous, deeply 5-lobed; stamens numerous, long-exserted, the capillary filaments connate below; fr broadly linear, flat, several-seeded; unarmed trees or shrubs with bipinnately compound lvs and pink or white fls in heads. 150, mainly tropical.
Inflorescences of round heads, or (not in native African spp.) spikes or spiciform racemes, pedunculate, axillary and solitary or much more often fascicled, often aggregated near the ends of branchlets which may be lateral and much shortened, sometimes paniculately arranged.
Corolla gamopetalous, infundibuliform or campanulate, with normally 5 lobes (rarely 4 or 6, or in A. coriaria and A. tanganyicensis the lobes may be irregularly connate among themselves).
Flowers hermaphrodite or occasionally male and hermaphrodite; 1-2 central flowers in each head frequently larger, different in form from the others and apparently male.
Stamens numerous (19-50), fertile, their filaments united in their lower part into a slender tube sometimes projecting beyond, sometimes shorter than the corolla.
Pods oblong, straight, flat, dehiscent or not, not septate inside, the valves papery to rigidly coriaceous but not thickened or fleshy.
Calyx gamosepalous, with normally 5 teeth or lobes (rarely 4, 6 or 7).
Seeds usually ± flattened.
Life form -
Growth form
Growth support -
Foliage retention -
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) -
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer rhizobia
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 4-11


Uses Several species are good timber trees and some are important shade trees in coffee and tea plantations.
Uses coffee substitute tea timber
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) 30 - 90
Germination temperacture (C°) 18 - 23
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment soaking
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Albizia unspecified picture


Albizia world distribution map, present in Australia, China, Hong Kong, Madagascar, Panama, United States of America, and South Africa


WFO ID wfo-4000001104
BDTFX ID 85833
INPN ID 188931
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link


Hesperalbizia Arthrosamanea Sericandra Albizia

Lower taxons

Albizia kalkora Albizia eriorhachis Albizia adinocephala Albizia altissima Albizia rhombifolia Albizia tomentosa Albizia coriaria Albizia adianthifolia Albizia anthelmintica Albizia brevifolia Albizia carbonaria Albizia ferruginea Albizia forbesii Albizia gummifera Albizia harveyi Albizia schimperiana Albizia versicolor Albizia vaughanii Albizia leonardii Albizia inundata Albizia pistaciifolia Albizia androyensis Albizia arenicola Albizia atakataka Albizia aurisparsa Albizia balabaka Albizia bernieri Albizia bernieri Albizia boinensis Albizia morombensis Albizia numidarum Albizia perrieri Albizia polyphylla Albizia sahafariensis Albizia tulearensis Albizia croizatiana Albizia duclouxii Albizia garrettii Albizia lebbekoides Albizia vialeana Albizia sherriffii Albizia thompsonii Albizia carrii Albizia tomentella Albizia zygia Albizia obliquifoliolata Albizia amara Albizia chinensis Albizia grandibracteata Albizia obbiadensis Albizia polycephala Albizia pedicellata Albizia saponaria Albizia splendens Albizia suluensis Albizia ortegae Albizia purpusii Albizia sinaloensis Albizia welwitschii Albizia zimmermannii Albizia retusa Albizia attopeuensis Albizia multiflora Albizia boivinii Albizia commiphoroides Albizia divaricata Albizia greveana Albizia jaubertiana Albizia mainaea Albizia masikororum Albizia verrucosa Albizia viridis Albizia corniculata Albizia lucidior Albizia crassiramea Albizia burmanica Albizia elegans Albizia lankaensis Albizia lathamii Albizia acle Albizia dolichadena Albizia papuensis Albizia philippinensis Albizia rosulata Albizia rufa Albizia odoratissima Albizia isenbergiana Albizia mahalao Albizia calcarea Albizia umbrosa Albizia dinklagei Albizia occidentalis Albizia chevalieri Albizia glaberrima Albizia malacophylla Albizia nayaritensis Albizia subdimidiata Albizia odorata Albizia myriophylla Albizia procera Albizia salomonensis Albizia coripatensis Albizia antunesiana Albizia aylmeri Albizia laurentii Albizia mossamedensis Albizia niopoides Albizia canescens Albizia edwallii Albizia barinensis Albizia burkartiana Albizia buntingii Albizia poilanei Albizia kostermansii Albizia westerhuisii Albizia comorensis Albizia glabripetala Albizia attopeuense Albizia berteroana Albizia bequaertii Albizia amara Albizia saponaria Albizia tenuiflora Albizia calcarea Albizia xerophytica Albizia decandra Albizia berteriana Albizia attopeuensis Albizia barinensis Albizia euryphylla Albizia angolensis Albizia petersiana Albizia tanganyicensis Albizia lebbekioides Albizia lebbeck Albizia guillainii Albizia julibrissin