Myristica Gronov.

Nutmeg (en)


Angiosperms > Magnoliales > Myristicaceae


Trees, dioecious (occasionally M. fragrans monoecious, M. crassa paroecious); stilt-roots sometimes present. Twigs lenticellate, sometimes flaky, in some New Guinea species with ridges and in places swollen, hollow, inhabited by ants; bark sometimes coal black. Leaves brittle when dry, lower surface often pale, papillose or not, dots present or absent; reticulation scalariform or a lax network (never as dense as in Knema, more abundant than in Horsfieldia). Inflorescences sometimes supra-axillary, either a pedunculate branched panicle with the flowers in subumbels, or a (sub)sessile woody simple or 2-4-armed wart-like or worm-like densely scar-covered brachyblast producing flowers at the apex (as in Knema), or less often a combination of the two types when the basal part is smooth and bears 1-3 sparsely or densely scarred brachyblasts at its extremity; basal cataphylls absent; bracts caducous. Flowers pedicellate, bracteole mostly persistent, often apical and embracing the perianth. Male flowers: perianth urceolate or tubular, leathery or carnose, tubular, inside glabrous, creamy; buds variable, cleft to various depths, lobes 3 (also 2 or 4), reflexed in anthesis. Androecium a stalked column with 8-30 completely fused linear anthers; androphore cylindrical, glabrous or pubescent; synandrium elongate, the apex often sterile, rarely shallowly hollowed. Female flowers: larger and more swollen than the male; ovary glabrous or hairy; style absent, stigma minutely bilobed. Infructescences sessile or stalked. Fruits globose to oblong, or pyriform, 1-10 cm long, glabrous, tomentose, or lanose; pericarp mostly thick, fleshy but firm; aril laciniate (nearly) to the base; seeds not variegated; albumen ruminate, with fixed oil and starch; cotyledons connate at the base and edges, divaricate.
Evergreen trees, sometimes with aerial roots at base. Leaf blade papery, abaxial surface white papillose or with rusty pubescence; midvein often sunken adaxially, lateral veins nearly parallel or curving, connected at margin, tertiary veins not parallel, reticulate, sunken adaxially. Inflorescences often axillary or arising from axils of deciduous leaves, tuberculate or with smooth peduncle at apex often dichotomous or trichotomous; flowers densely racemose or subumbellate, at apex of peduncle; bracts caducous; bracteole at base of perianth, rarely deciduous. Flowers urceolate or bell-shaped, rarely tubular, pedicellate. Perianth (2 or)3-lobed. Filaments connate into staminal column; anthers slender, 7-30, connate abaxially; synandrium often longer than basal stalk. Ovary glabrous or hairy; style almost absent; stigma bifid. Pericarp thickly leathery, glabrous or pubescent. Aril red, laciniate to base.
Trees, dioecious. Leaves mostly distichous. Inflorescence axillary, subumbellate cymes or fascicles; axis sometimes persistent as short, woody tubercles bearing the scars of pedicels of flowers of previous years. Bracteoles persistent. Flowers ± pedicellate; calyx 3-cleft, caducous. Male flowers: stamens 8–30; filaments connate into an androphore; anthers connate by backs and sides and adnate to the column forming a synandrium. Female flowers: ovary subglobose, glabrous or not; stigma sessile, minutely bilobed. Fruit subglobose to oblong; pericarp thick, leathery. Seed ellipsoidal, usually shining and covered with a red or orange aril, fimbriate and cleft to near base. Endosperm ruminate, containing oil and starch.
Aromatic, glabrous, dioecious trees, the bases occasionally buttressed. Leaves alternate, subdistichous, glabrous, subcoriaceous, petiolate, exstipulate, the tertiary veins obscure. Flowers rather large for the family, the bracteate pedicels glabrous. Staminate flowers 1-20 in dichotomously branching cymes; tepals partially connate, usually 3, the anthers 12-30, usually longer than the column. Pistillate flowers commonly solitary, the tepals partly connate, the 1-carpellate ovary with a subsessile 2-lobed stigma. Fruits fleshy, the thick I! pericarp dehiscing longitudinally into 2 valves; aril usually brightly colored and laciniate; seed ellipoid to globose.
A tree.
Life form -
Growth form tree
Growth support -
Foliage retention evergreen
Sexuality dioecy
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) 13.0
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months -
Fruit color
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


A tropical plant.
Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 9-12


Uses -
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Myristica unspecified picture


Myristica world distribution map, present in Australia, China, Panama, Papua New Guinea, and United States of America


WFO ID wfo-4000025155
INPN ID 445818
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link


Myristica Sebophora Comacum

Lower taxons

Myristica argentea Myristica arfakensis Myristica agusanensis Myristica alba Myristica borneensis Myristica atrescens Myristica brachypoda Myristica gigantea Myristica garciniifolia Myristica fusiformis Myristica fugax Myristica frugifera Myristica fragrans Myristica flosculosa Myristica fusca Myristica gillespieana Myristica globosa Myristica flavovirens Myristica fissiflora Myristica filipes Myristica dasycarpa Myristica duplopunctata Myristica devogelii Myristica elliptica Myristica dactyloides Myristica cucullata Myristica depressa Myristica extensa Myristica schlechteri Myristica sarcantha Myristica rosselensis Myristica rubrinervis Myristica sogeriensis Myristica smythiesii Myristica sinclairii Myristica perlaevis Myristica pilosigemma Myristica pubicarpa Myristica psilocarpa Myristica pygmaea Myristica villosa Myristica xylocarpa Myristica warburgii Myristica sulcata Myristica tristis Myristica tamrauensis Myristica laevis Myristica longepetiolata Myristica guillauminiana Myristica inutilis Myristica inundata Myristica iners Myristica magnifica Myristica macrantha Myristica longipes Myristica mediovibex Myristica maxima Myristica markgraviana Myristica clemensii Myristica cinnamomea Myristica cornutiflora Myristica johnsii Myristica beccarii Myristica bombycina Myristica bifurcata Myristica bialata Myristica beddomei Myristica basilanica Myristica atrocorticata Myristica gamblei Myristica grandifolia Myristica castaneifolia Myristica cerifera Myristica byssacea Myristica buchneriana Myristica brevistipes Myristica fasciculata Myristica faroensis Myristica chrysophylla Myristica chartacea Myristica guadalcanalensis Myristica pilosella Myristica petiolata Myristica verruculosa Myristica velutina Myristica wyatt-smithii Myristica succedanea Myristica sumbavana Myristica subcordata Myristica subalulata Myristica papillatifolia Myristica trianthera Myristica kjellbergii Myristica kajewskii Myristica leptophylla Myristica lepidota Myristica lasiocarpa Myristica hollrungii Myristica hypargyraea Myristica impressa Myristica hooglandii Myristica insipida Myristica ingrata Myristica incredibilis Myristica inaequalis Myristica neglecta Myristica nana Myristica pachyphylla Myristica ovicarpa Myristica ornata Myristica olivacea Myristica pachycarpidia Myristica malaccensis Myristica malabarica Myristica maingayi Myristica millepunctata Myristica mediterranea Myristica coacta Myristica crassipes Myristica conspersa Myristica corticata Myristica firmipes Myristica fissurata Myristica fallax Myristica concinna Myristica ceylanica Myristica cylindrocarpa Myristica cumingii Myristica crassa Myristica laevifolia Myristica kalkmanii Myristica acsmithii Myristica sphaerosperma Myristica tenuivenia Myristica lowiana Myristica uncinata Myristica ultrabasica Myristica andamanica Myristica carrii Myristica schleinitzii Myristica sangowoensis Myristica scripta Myristica vinkeana Myristica tubiflora Myristica robusta Myristica pedicellata Myristica papyracea Myristica mindanaensis Myristica yunnanensis Myristica simiarum Myristica philippensis Myristica glomerata Myristica ingens Myristica quercicarpa Myristica fatua Myristica guatteriifolia Myristica rumphii Myristica nivea Myristica gracilipes Myristica brassii Myristica duthiei Myristica simulans Myristica teysmannii Myristica lancifolia Myristica ensifolia Myristica undulatifolia Myristica umbrosa Myristica womersleyi Myristica colinridsdalei Myristica koordersii Myristica archboldiana Myristica pumila Myristica wenzelii Myristica impressinervia Myristica inopinata Myristica cagayanensis