Argyrolobium Eckl. & Zeyh.

Argyrolobe (fr)


Angiosperms > Fabales > Fabaceae


Herbs or small shrubs, often with silky or villous indumentum. Leaves digitately 3-foliolate. Stipules narrow or expanded, free or united along the leaf-opposed margin; stipels absent. Flowers in terminal or leaf-opposed few-many-flowered racemes, often subumbelliform, rarely solitary; cleisto-gamous flowers sometimes present, with small calyx, reduced corolla and androecium, also developing smaller pods. Calyx deeply divided, with the 2 upper lobes free or shortly united and the lower united into a shortly 3-lobed lip. Corolla yellow; standard without appendages, glabrous or hairy outside; wings often with rows of crescent-shaped folds between the upper veins; keel slightly incurved, obtuse. Stamens all united into a closed tube, rarely split above; anthers alternately long and short. Ovary sessile, many-ovulate; style glabrous at least above (hairs like those of the ovary sometimes on basal part); stigma capitate, ± oblique. Pod linear-oblong, compressed, with the valves continuous or transversely constricted between the seeds. Seeds mostly oblong-ovate, with a small hilum; rim-aril inconspicuous.
Flowers in terminal or leaf-opposed racemes, the inflorescence sometimes contracted and subumbelliform, flowers rarely solitary; cleistogamous flowers with reduced parts and producing small pods often present.
Calyx nearly as long as the corolla, deeply divided, the 2 upper lobes free or shortly united into a upper lip, the 3 lower ones united into a 3-toothed lower lip.
Corolla yellow; standard obovate to subcircular, shortly clawed, not appendaged; wings often with rows of folds between the veins; keel slightly incurved, obtuse.
Stamens usually united into a closed tube, rarely split above, with longer basifixed anthers alternating with shorter dorsifixed anthers.
Leaves, digitately 3-foliolate; stipules small to large, free or sometimes united to each other or to the petiole.
Ovary sessile or subsessile, many-ovulate, tapering upward to the upcurved style; stigma small, terminal.
Pod linear-oblong, laterally compressed, sometimes constricted between the seeds, dehiscent.
Herbs, undershrubs or small shrubs, often with a soft indumentum.
Seeds usually oblong-ovate, compressed with a small sunken hilum.
Life form -
Growth form
Growth support -
Foliage retention -
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) -
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color -
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer rhizobia
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) -


Uses -
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Argyrolobium unspecified picture


WFO ID wfo-4000003015
BDTFX ID 85921
INPN ID 189445
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link


Macrolotus Calispepla Chasmone Dalmatocytisus Diotolotus Gamochilum Trichasma Argyrolobium

Lower taxons

Argyrolobium roseum Argyrolobium stenophyllum Argyrolobium crassifolium Argyrolobium molle Argyrolobium tomentosum Argyrolobium velutinum Argyrolobium catati Argyrolobium itremoense Argyrolobium pedunculare Argyrolobium prilipkoanum Argyrolobium campicola Argyrolobium collinum Argyrolobium crinitum Argyrolobium frutescens Argyrolobium harmsianum Argyrolobium humile Argyrolobium marginatum Argyrolobium nigrescens Argyrolobium pauciflorum Argyrolobium petiolare Argyrolobium polyphyllum Argyrolobium splendens Argyrolobium stipulaceum Argyrolobium tysonii Argyrolobium umbellatum Argyrolobium uniflorum Argyrolobium bodkinii Argyrolobium baptisioides Argyrolobium rupestre Argyrolobium speciosum Argyrolobium pauciflorum Argyrolobium flaccidum Argyrolobium pulvinatum Argyrolobium aciculare Argyrolobium candicans Argyrolobium eylesii Argyrolobium harveyanum Argyrolobium incanum Argyrolobium longifolium Argyrolobium macrophyllum Argyrolobium microphyllum Argyrolobium muddii Argyrolobium pachyphyllum Argyrolobium saharae Argyrolobium sericosemium Argyrolobium terme Argyrolobium transvaalense Argyrolobium vaginiferum Argyrolobium wilmsii Argyrolobium rarum Argyrolobium barbatum Argyrolobium pumilum Argyrolobium barikotense Argyrolobium strigosum Argyrolobium trifoliatum Argyrolobium armindae Argyrolobium ascendens Argyrolobium aequinoctiale Argyrolobium ramosissimum Argyrolobium crotalarioides Argyrolobium amplexicaule Argyrolobium mucilagineum Argyrolobium pseudotuberosum Argyrolobium purpurascens Argyrolobium robustum Argyrolobium rotundifolium Argyrolobium aegacanthoides Argyrolobium argenteum Argyrolobium angustissimum Argyrolobium biebersteinii Argyrolobium fischeri Argyrolobium lunare Argyrolobium tuberosum Argyrolobium dimidiatum Argyrolobium stolzii Argyrolobium thomii Argyrolobium tortum Argyrolobium parviflorum Argyrolobium schimperianum Argyrolobium arabicum Argyrolobium confertum Argyrolobium friesianum Argyrolobium megarhizum Argyrolobium zanonii