Pseudostems well-developed, 1--3 m. Inflorescences projecting from tip of pseudostem, lax, paniculate; bracts of main axis remote [imbricate or not], minute [to 7 cm], scalelike [ovate to lance-oblong or lanceolate]; cincinni stalked, 1--3-flowered; bracteoles large, conspicuous [small or absent], enclosing cincinni. Flowers: calyx subcampanulate, shallowly 3-toothed, split down one side [not split]; corolla tube cylindric, lobes oblanceolate to elliptical; filament linear, plane; anther enclosed in corolla, not spurred, terminal appendage none; lateral staminodes absent or very small and connate with lip, lip ovate, tubular-incurved, notched. Fruits mostly indehiscent, globose. x = 11, 12.
Leaf shoots many-bladed. Inflorescence terminal on leafy shoot, often in a dense head, sometimes rather lax; bracts free, each subtending a single flower or a cincinnus of flowers; bracteoles tubular, non-tubular or absent. Corolla tube variable; lobes usually subequal. Labellum often large and showy. Lateral staminodes small subulate teeth or absent. Anther subsessile or with a well-developed filament; connective crested or not. Ovary unilocular or trilocular. Fruit a capsule or fleshy berry, often spherical, sometimes elongated.