Iris L.

Iris (en), Iris (fr)


Angiosperms > Asparagales > Iridaceae


Herbs, perennial, from rhizomes [bulbs or fascicles of fleshy roots]; rhizomes homogeneous with branches like primary in size and texture, or heterogeneous, branches cordlike with scalelike leaves, enlarging at apex to produce vegetative leaves, additional cordlike branches, and flowering stems. Flowering stems simple or branched, erect (declining or semierect and obviously zigzag in I. brevicaulis and some of its hybrids), solid or hollow, terete or slightly flattened. Leaves: basal 3–10, in fan; blade monofacial (except at base), smooth or ridged, sometimes centrally thickened, veins obscure to prominent; cauline 0–4 on branched stems, usually similar to basal, subtending each branch, decreasing in length distally, sometimes bracteiform and sheathing stem. Inflorescences rhipidiate, units 1 or more-flowered, spathaceous; spathes 2, herbaceous with scarious tips, or completely scarious, with or without distinct keel, often persisting and enclosing capsule(s) at maturity. Flowers lasting 1–4 days, upward-facing, usually somewhat fragrant (odor extremely unpleasant in I. foetidissima), pedicellate or sessile; perianth epigynous, white, yellow, tan, brown, copper-red, maroon, blue, blue-violet, or purple, often with markings of contrasting colors, differentiated into sepals and petals, actinomorphic, 4–18 cm diam.; floral tube distal to ovary, terete or occasionally ridged, solid proximally, hollow distally; sepals 3, spreading or reflexed, expanding either gradually or abruptly from claw into broader limb, with signal of prominent ridge, crest, distinct lines or dots, pubescence, or band of multicellular hairs (beard) along midline of claw and for short distance along midrib of limb; petals 3, erect, spreading or rarely reflexed, sometimes very reduced and mostly hidden by sepal bases; stamens opposite sepals, free but appressed to style branches; style dividing distally into petaloid branches, these arching outward and over stamens and claws of sepals, dividing at apex into 2 rounded or triangular lobes (style crests); stigma a lip of tissue on adaxial surface of style arm at base of crest; ovary terete or roundly 3-or 6-angled or-grooved. Fruits capsular, wall papery or becoming dry and hardened, sometimes indehiscent (in I. giganticaerulea). Seeds 4–20, in 1–2 rows per locule, often flattened in contact with others, rounded on outer surface; seed coat tan to dark brown (red in I. foetidissima), thin, membranous, and smooth, or conspicuously roughened to extensively corky (usually in wetland species), with or without obvious aril. x = uncertain.
Herbs perennial, usually with short or long rhizomes (or bulbs), sometimes with swollen storage roots. Leaves mostly basal, 2-ranked, often oriented edgewise to aerial stem, sword-shaped to linear. Aerial stem developed, much shorter than or longer than leaves. Inflorescence of rhipidia arranged in racemes, panicles, or solitary. Flowers white, yellow, blue, violet, or purple, relatively large, often fragrant. Perianth tube usually trumpet-shaped, sometimes very narrowly so, very short to long; outer 3 perianth segments (falls) ornamented or not, with a crested, bearded, or beardless claw (haft), and an expanded, usually reflexed limb (blade), the beard or crest (when present) extending along midvein of proximal part of limb adaxially; inner 3 perianth segments (standards) smaller, never ornamented, erect or spreading. Stamens opposed to style branches and appressed to them; filaments free, flattened. Style with 3 colored, expanded, petaloid branches, arching over stamens, apex of branches extended as 2 lobes (crests) projecting beyond flaplike, abaxial stigma. Capsule globose, ellipsoid, or cylindric, apex beaked or not. Seeds pyriform, flattened and D-shaped, or irregularly angled, sometimes arillate.
Evergreen perennial, with rhizomes (sympodial), or bulbous. Leaves equitant, ensiform, distichous. Cyme shortly branched, few-flowered. Flowers pedicellate, large and showy, blue, violet, white or yellow, in clusters of 2 or more, (or solitary), terminal flowers within 2 spathe-valves, lateral within a single valve; tube bright green, usually short; segments (each consisting of broader "limb" and narrow basal "claw" or "haft") in 2 whorls; 3 outer (falls), usually reflexed or spreading, 3 inner (standards), usually erect and often incurved, or spreading. Stamens 3, inserted at base of outer segments. Style-branches broad, petaloid, ± deeply bifid at tip, curved over stamens and concealing them, stigma a small flap situated on underside of petaloid style-branch just below bifid "crest". Capsule coriaceous, ovoid-oblong. Seeds many, globular, ± compressed. Spp. c. 300, from temperate regions of N. Hemisphere. Adventive spp. 5.
Perennials, evergreen and rhizomatous or (not in Australia) bulbous with annual leaves and flowers. Leaves mostly basal, equitant, usually erect and ensiform. Scape erect, simple or few-branched, rarely absent. Spathes herbaceous, sheathing rhipidia of few flowers separated by shorter bracts or rarely sheathing a flower. Sepals and petals clawed, united in a tube. Sepals spreading or deflexed. Petals erect, often smaller. Stamens free, inserted on tube; anthers basifixed, linear. Ovary ovoid-trigonous; style deeply trifid; branches broad, petaloid, arched over sepals and appressed to stamens. Stigmas transverse, exceeded by prominent bifid crests. Capsule ovoid to clavate, trigonous, exserted from spathes.
Sep spreading or reflexed; pet erect or arching, in our spp. narrower and shorter than the petaloid sep; tep all united below into a perianth-tube; stamens inserted at the base of the sep; ovary 3-or 6-angled or-lobed; style divided distally into 3 petaloid branches arching over the stamens, each 2-lobed at the tip; stigma a thin plate or lip at the outer base of the 2 lobes; fr coriaceous or chartaceous, loculicidal or indehiscent; seeds in 1 or 2 rows per locule; perennial herbs with ensiform or linear lvs, our spp. with horizontal rhizomes and usually erect fl-stalks bearing 1–many fls. 200, N. Temp. Much hybridized in cult.
Life form perennial
Growth form herb
Growth support -
Foliage retention
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) 0.3 - 0.75
Mature height (meter) 0.5 - 1.0
Root system rhizome
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light 4-9
Soil humidity 2-7
Soil texture -
Soil acidity 2-6
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 7-9


Uses medicinal
Edible -
Therapeutic use Balsamic (unspecified), Stomachic (unspecified)
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Can be grown by divisions or seedlings. Seeds needs stratification.
Mode divisions seedlings
Germination duration (days) 22 - 303
Germination temperacture (C°) 15 - 26
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment stratification
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Iris unspecified picture
Iris unspecified picture


Iris world distribution map, present in Afghanistan, Åland Islands, Albania, Andorra, Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Bulgaria, Belarus, Switzerland, Chile, China, Cook Islands, Colombia, Cuba, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Germany, Dominica, Denmark, Algeria, Spain, Finland, France, Micronesia (Federated States of), Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Indonesia, Ireland, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Iraq, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Libya, Morocco, Myanmar, Montenegro, Malaysia, Nicaragua, Netherlands, Norway, Nepal, New Zealand, Pakistan, Philippines, Palau, Poland, Puerto Rico, Korea (Democratic People's Republic of), Portugal, Réunion, Romania, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Sweden, Turks and Caicos Islands, Thailand, Turkmenistan, Tonga, Tunisia, Taiwan, Province of China, Ukraine, United States of America, Uzbekistan, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of), Viet Nam, and Yemen


WFO ID wfo-4000019189
BDTFX ID 86607
INPN ID 193623
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link


Juno Iridodictyum Beverna Chamoletta Ioniris Iriastrum Xeris Tectiris Phaeiris Zhaoanthus Dielsiris Rodionenkoa Belamcanda Iris Siphonostylis Xyphion Biris Cryptobasis Chamaeiris Eremiris Joniris Junopsis Hermodactylus

Lower taxons

Iris aitchisonii Iris alberti Iris albomarginata Iris alexeenkoi Iris almaatensis Iris antilibanotica Iris aphylla Iris arenaria Iris brevicaulis Iris cedreti Iris chrysophylla Iris delavayi Iris fernaldii Iris x florentina Iris fulva Iris furcata Iris galatica Iris gatesii Iris graeberiana Iris grant-duffii Iris hexagona Iris hookeri Iris humilis Iris iberica Iris innominata Iris ivanovae Iris juncea Iris x koenigii Iris kolpakowskiana Iris lacustris Iris laevigata Iris longiscapa Iris lortetii Iris lutescens Iris macrosiphon Iris mandshurica Iris marsica Iris meda Iris munzii Iris narbutii Iris narcissiflora Iris nectarifera Iris x nelsonii Iris neosetosa Iris nigricans Iris pamphylica Iris polakii Iris porphyrochrysa Iris postii Iris potaninii Iris prismatica Iris proantha Iris purdyi Iris purpureobractea Iris qinghainica Iris rosenbachiana Iris rossii Iris ruthenica Iris sabina Iris serotina Iris setosa Iris sintenisii Iris speculatrix Iris sprengeri Iris staintonii Iris statellae Iris stenophylla Iris stocksii Iris straussii Iris tectorum Iris tenax Iris tenuifolia Iris tenuis Iris tenuissima Iris tingitana Iris vartanii Iris ventricosa Iris vorobievii Iris vvedenskyi Iris x vinicolor Iris x neumayeri Iris capnoides Iris kamelinii Iris pseudocapnoides Iris pskemensis Iris setina Iris rutherfordii Iris x sinistra Iris zagrica Iris hellenica Iris nantouensis Iris zaprjagajevii Iris svetlanae Iris adriatica Iris afghanica Iris atropurpurea Iris aucheri Iris barbatula Iris benacensis Iris bismarckiana Iris boissieri Iris bracteata Iris bungei Iris camillae Iris cathayensis Iris chrysographes Iris colchica Iris confusa Iris formosana Iris forrestii Iris fosteriana Iris glaucescens Iris halophila Iris haynei Iris hermona Iris histrio Iris hymenospatha Iris junonia Iris kemaonensis Iris kirkwoodiae Iris kobasensis Iris kobayashii Iris kuschkensis Iris lactea Iris latistyla Iris milesii Iris minutoaurea Iris odontostyla Iris pallida Iris persica Iris psammocola Iris pseudocaucasica Iris pseudopumila Iris regis-uzziae Iris reticulata Iris sari Iris savannarum Iris scariosa Iris schachtii Iris songarica Iris suaveolens Iris subdecolorata Iris subdichotoma Iris swensoniana Iris taochia Iris tarhunensis Iris tauri Iris tigridia Iris timofejewii Iris tubergeniana Iris vicaria Iris willmottiana Iris winogradowii Iris oxypetala Iris x fulvala Iris heweri Iris histrioides Iris domestica Iris schelkownicowii Iris popovii Iris tadshikorum Iris x caeciliae Iris neoensata Iris celikii Iris binata Iris caucasica Iris clarkei Iris farreri Iris filifolia Iris x flexicaulis Iris giganticaerulea Iris imbricata Iris lazica Iris loczyi Iris maackii Iris mariae Iris notha Iris revoluta Iris x robusta Iris x sancti-cyri Iris sanguinea Iris x setosothungbergii Iris stolonifera Iris susiana Iris x thompsonii Iris x violipurpurea Iris wattii Iris winkleri Iris xanthochlora Iris x brzhezitzky Iris nezahatiae Iris orjenii Iris fuscirosea Iris florentina Iris koenigii Iris stenophylla Iris victoris Iris rudolphii Iris khassanovii Iris linifoliiformis Iris wallisiae Iris furseorum Iris lokiae Iris austrotschatkalica Iris rodionenkoi Iris heracleana Iris jacquinii Iris tibetica Iris ferdowsii Iris sophenensis Iris farashae Iris peshmeniana Iris kurbanovii Iris hartwegii Iris masiae Iris nicolai Iris acutiloba Iris crocea Iris danfordiae Iris kashmiriana Iris reichenbachii Iris atrofusca Iris cuniculiformis Iris goniocarpa Iris henryi Iris hookeriana Iris decora Iris haussknechtii Iris heylandiana Iris lineata Iris masia Iris darwasica Iris leptophylla Iris relicta Iris kopetdagensis Iris kuschakewiczii Iris linifolia Iris magnifica Iris maracandica Iris narynensis Iris orchioides Iris platyptera Iris leptorrhiza Iris inconspicua Iris baldshuanica Iris bucharica Iris carterorum Iris cycloglossa Iris doabensis Iris drepanophylla Iris edomensis Iris hippolyti Iris wendelboi Iris paradoxa Iris dichotoma Iris bloudowii Iris uniflora Iris wilsonii Iris gracilipes Iris cabulica Iris microglossa Iris anguifuga Iris hoogiana Iris ludwigii Iris pseudonotha Iris xanthospuria Iris assadiana Iris auranitica Iris bostrensis Iris collettii Iris korolkowii Iris bulleyana Iris koreana Iris longipetala Iris odaesanensis Iris typhifolia Iris mzchetica Iris calabra Iris warleyensis Iris pontica Iris palaestina Iris barnumiae Iris basaltica Iris bicapitata Iris curvifolia Iris damascena Iris dolichosiphon Iris griffithii Iris grossheimii Iris westii Iris yebrudii Iris tridentata Iris verna Iris missouriensis Iris x germanica Iris orientalis Iris ensata Iris reichenbachiana Iris variegata Iris douglasiana Iris perrieri Iris virginica Iris cristata Iris petrana Iris japonica Iris xiphium Iris pumila Iris unguicularis Iris spuria Iris versicolor Iris tuberosa Iris graminea Iris sibirica Iris planifolia Iris pseudacorus Iris foetidissima