Jatropha L.

Nettlespurge (en)


Angiosperms > Malpighiales > Euphorbiaceae


Trees, shrubs, or perennial herbs; monoecious or dioecious; stems with pale to distinctly colored latex. Leaves alternate, simple to lobed or divided, entire to conspicuously serrate; stipules often glandular or spinose. Inflorescences axillary or terminal, usually distinctly pedunculate, dichasial, 9 flowers at proximal dicho-tomies and fewer than the c. Staminate flowers with 5 sepals, ? imbricate; petals 5, imbricate, free or coherent to connate, greenish or white to red; disc entire or dissected into segments; stamens mostly 8-12, the filaments connate, the anthers usually in 2(-6) whorls, dehiscing longitudinally; pollen grains globose, inaper-turate, exine with massive hexagonal processes; pistillode reduced or absent. Pistillate flowers with 5 sepals, imbricate; petals as in d'; disc annular or dis-sected; ovary of usually 3 carpels (rarely 2, 4, or 5), smooth, the ovules 1 per locule, the styles connate below or free, entire or bifid. Fruits capsular (but some-times tardily dehiscent); seeds carunculate, with thin crustaceous testa, endosperm present, copious, the cotyledons broad, palmatinerved, the radicle short. A pantropical genus of perhaps 150 species, with about 70-80 represented in America; only one species (J. gossyp~iifolia) is native in Panama. In addition to the three species enumerated below, various others are doubtlessly cultivated in gardens and may possibly be found escaped. Jatropha podagrica Hooker was described from Panama on the basis-of a Seemann collection, but the original description makes it clear that this was a cultivated specimen; no indigenous Panamanian plants of the species have ever been discovered. From the Panamanian species described below, J. podagrica may easily be distinguished by its long-petioled peltate leaves, which are glaucous underneath.
Monoecious or rarely dioecious trees, shrubs, subshrubs or herbs with the stems arising from a thick perennial rootstock. Indumentum simple, sometimes glandular. Leaves alternate, crowded and fasciculate or laxly arranged, simple, generally palmatilobed, less commonly pinnatilobed or entire, petiolate or sessile, stipulate, the stipules usually multifid with setaceous segments, sometimes laciniate, sometimes rigid and spiny, and branched or not. Inflorescences terminal or axillary, often corymbiform, dichotomously cymose, androgynous, protogynous, with a solitary ♀ flower terminating each major axis, lateral cymules ♂; bracts usually entire, sometimes glandular-fimbriate. Male flowers: sepals (4–)5(–6), often ± connate at the base, imbricate; petals 5, free or ± coherent and then simulating a gamopetalous corolla, imbricate or contorted, rarely 0, in which case the calyx petaloid; disc entire or composed of 5 free glands; stamens 6–10, rarely more, commonly arranged in 2 distinct whorls (commonly 5 + 3) with those of the outer whorl opposite the petals, filaments partially fused into a column, anthers longitudinally dehiscent, staminodes (when present) filiform; pistillode 0. Female flowers: sepals and petals ± as in the ♂ flowers; staminodes sometimes present; disc annular, 5-lobed or composed of free glands; ovary (1–)2–3(–5)-locular, with 1 ovule per locule; styles connate at the base, spreading, entire or shortly bifid. Fruit usually schizocarpic, ovoid or subglobose, dehiscing septicidally or loculicidally into 3 bivalved cocci, rarely subdrupaceous and ± indehiscent; endocarp crustaceous or indurated. Seeds ovoid or oblong, carunculate, the caruncle often much-divided, testa crustaceous, albumen fleshy; cotyledons broad, flat.
Herbs, subshrubs, shrubs, or trees, perennial, monoecious or dioecious [gynodioecious]; hairs unbranched, sometimes glandular, or absent; latex colorless, cloudy-whitish, yellow, or red. Leaves deciduous or persistent, alternate but sometimes appearing fascicled, simple; stipules absent or present, persistent or deciduous; petiole absent or present, glands absent at apex, sometimes stipitate-glandular along length; blade unlobed or palmately lobed, margins entire, serrate, or dentate, laminar glands absent; venation pinnate or palmate. Inflorescences unisexual or bisexual (pistillate flowers central, staminate lateral), axillary or terminal, cymes or fascicles, or flowers solitary; glands subtending each bract 0. Pedicels present. Staminate flowers: sepals 5, imbricate, distinct or connate to 1/2 length; petals 5, distinct or connate basally to most of length, white, greenish yellow, pink, red, or purple [yellow, yellow-brown, orange, or 2-colored]; nectary extrastaminal, annular and 5-lobed or of 5 glands; stamens [6–]8 or 10 in 1–2 whorls, distinct or connate basally to most of length; pistillode absent. Pistillate flowers: sepals 5, imbricate, distinct or connate to 1/2 length; petals 5, distinct or connate basally to most of length, white, greenish yellow, pink, red, or purple [yellow, yellow-brown, orange, or 2-colored]; nectary annular and 5-lobed or 5 glands; staminodes sometimes present; pistil 1–3-carpellate; styles (1–)3, distinct or connate basally to most of length [absent], 2-fid. Fruits capsules, ± fleshy, sometimes tardily dehiscent. Seeds ellipsoid to globose; caruncle present (sometimes rudimentary) or absent. x = 11.
Shrubs or trees, evergreen or deciduous, perennial, monoecious or rarely dioecious; stems and foliage without latex. Indumentum of simple, multicellular trichomes, often glandular, stinging trichomes sometimes present. Stipules multifid or laciniate [entire in J. curcas], conspicuous, deciduous. Leaves alternate, petiolate to sessile, lobate, palminerved, entire or crenate to serrate, glands present at lamina base. Inflorescences terminal or axillary, paniculate, solitary, usually bisexual and androgynous with flowers in bracteate clusters. Male flowers sessile to pedicellate; calyx lobes 4–6, imbricate, connate at base; petals 5, imbricate, free or variously connate; disc entire or of 5 glands; stamens 6–10, filaments partially fused into column and often arranged in two whorls with those in outer whorl opposite the petals; anthers dorsifixed, bilobate, thecae oblong and longitudinally dehiscent; pistillodes absent. Female flowers sessile to pedicellate; calyx lobes 4–6, imbricate, connate at base; petals 5, imbricate, free or variously connate; disc entire or of free glands; ovary 1–5-locular, ovules uniloculate; styles 3, shortly connate at base, simple or bifid. Fruit capsular, trilobate, surface smooth, dehiscing septicidally or loculicidally into 3 bivalved cocci. Seeds ovoid or oblong; testa crustaceous; albumen fleshy; caruncles entire, non-arilloid; cotyledons broad, flat.
Trees, shrubs, subshrubs, or herbs. Stems with laticifers, latex clear, white, or reddish; indumentum simple, sometimes glandular. Stipules persistent or deciduous, entire or setiform, or a series of stalked glands. Leaves alternate, unlobed or palmately lobed or parted, usually with glands at apex of petiole; venation palmate [or pinnate]. Flowers monoecious or dioecious in paniculate dichasia. Male flowers: sepals 5, imbricate, slightly connate at base; petals 5, imbricate, free, sometimes coherent or connate at base; disk glands 5, free or connate into ring; stamens 8-12, sometimes more, in 2-6 series; filaments at least partly connate, sometimes inner filaments connate into a column; pistillode filamentous or absent. Female flowers: sepals 5(or 6), free, imbricate, usually persistent in fruits; disk annular, lobed, or dissected, sometimes with staminodes; ovary 2-or 3(or 4 or 5)-locular; ovules 1 per locule; styles unlobed or bifid, sometimes dilated. Fruits capsular. Seeds carunculate; episperm crustaceous; endosperm fleshy; cotyledon broad and flat.
Male flowers: calyx usually 5-lobed, lobes imbricate; petals 5, free or sometimes laterally coherent, imbricate or contorted; disk usually of 5 free glands; stamens 8 (Flora Zambesiaca area), in 2 fused whorls (5 + 3), outer whorl opposite the petals, anthers dorsifixed, longitudinally dehiscent; pistillode absent.
Female flowers: calyx and petals more or less as in the male flowers; disk annular, 5-lobed, or sometimes of 5 free glands; staminodes (when present) filiform; ovary usually 3-locular, with 1 ovule per loculus; styles usually united at the base, erect or spreading, stigmas 3, usually bifid and somewhat tumid.
Fruit shallowly 3-lobed, dehiscing septicidally into 3 bivalved cocci, less often loculicidally into 3 valves, sometimes subdrupaceous, indehiscent; endocarp crustaceous or slightly woody; columella persistent.
Inflorescences terminal or subterminal, often corymbiform, cymose, androgynous, protogynous, a solitary female flower terminating each major axis, lateral cymules male; bracts entire or glandular-stipitate.
Seeds usually shiny, carunculate, the caruncle usually bifid, fimbriate; testa crustaceous; albumen fleshy; cotyledons broad, flat.
Leaves alternate, stipulate, petiolate or sessile, simple, entire, lobed or partitely divided, penninerved or palminerved.
Monoecious, rarely dioecious, trees shrubs subshrubs or herbs with the stems arising from a thick perennial rootstock.
Stipules subulate, bifid or multifid, usually glandular.
Indumentum simple and/or glandular.
Petioles usually eglandular.
Life form perennial
Growth form
Growth support -
Foliage retention deciduous
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) -
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 9-12


Uses medicinal
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) 30 - 120
Germination temperacture (C°) 18 - 23
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Jatropha unspecified picture


Jatropha world distribution map, present in Aruba, Angola, Andorra, Australia, Benin, Burkina Faso, Bangladesh, Bahamas, Belize, Bermuda, Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Botswana, Central African Republic, China, Comoros, Cabo Verde, Costa Rica, Cuba, Cayman Islands, Djibouti, Dominica, Ecuador, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Fiji, Gabon, Guinea, Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Haiti, Indonesia, Jamaica, Kenya, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Liberia, Moldova (Republic of), Madagascar, Mali, Myanmar, Mozambique, Mauritania, Namibia, Nigeria, Nicaragua, Oman, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Puerto Rico, Paraguay, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Senegal, Somalia, Suriname, eSwatini, Seychelles, Chad, Togo, Thailand, Tonga, Tuvalu, Tanzania, United Republic of, Uganda, Uruguay, United States of America, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of), Wallis and Futuna, Samoa, Yemen, Zambia, and Zimbabwe


LSID urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:325951-2
WFO ID wfo-4000019533
INPN ID 445636
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link


Bromfeldia Mazinna Mesandrinia Loureira Jatropha

Lower taxons

Jatropha bartlettii Jatropha baumii Jatropha botswanica Jatropha canescens Jatropha cardiophylla Jatropha clavuligera Jatropha crinita Jatropha cuneata Jatropha decipiens Jatropha decumbens Jatropha dehganii Jatropha dhofarica Jatropha dioica Jatropha dissecta Jatropha gaumeri Jatropha glauca Jatropha glaucovirens Jatropha heynei Jatropha horizontalis Jatropha lagarinthoides Jatropha latifolia Jatropha macrocarpa Jatropha macrophylla Jatropha martiusii Jatropha mcvaughii Jatropha mollissima Jatropha monroi Jatropha pachyrrhiza Jatropha pauciflora Jatropha pedersenii Jatropha prunifolia Jatropha robecchii Jatropha schweinfurthii Jatropha seineri Jatropha subaequiloba Jatropha tehuantepecana Jatropha uncinulata Jatropha unicostata Jatropha variegata Jatropha variifolia Jatropha isabellei Jatropha cathartica Jatropha alamanii Jatropha bullockii Jatropha campestris Jatropha catingae Jatropha chamelensis Jatropha collina Jatropha cordata Jatropha costaricensis Jatropha elliptica Jatropha grossidentata Jatropha intermedia Jatropha loristipula Jatropha macrorhiza Jatropha mahafalensis Jatropha mutabilis Jatropha obbiadensis Jatropha pereziae Jatropha purpurea Jatropha ribifolia Jatropha rzedowskii Jatropha scaposa Jatropha schlechteri Jatropha spinosa Jatropha standleyi Jatropha stephanii Jatropha sympetala Jatropha tanjorensis Jatropha tetracantha Jatropha tropaeolifolia Jatropha variabilis Jatropha villosa Jatropha weberbaueri Jatropha weddeliana Jatropha elbae Jatropha humboldtiana Jatropha riojae Jatropha cinerea Jatropha malacophylla Jatropha conzattii Jatropha galvanii Jatropha rufescens Jatropha andrieuxii Jatropha pseudocurcas Jatropha peltata Jatropha macrantha Jatropha divaricata Jatropha tlalcozotitlanensis Jatropha vernicosa Jatropha orangeana Jatropha woodii Jatropha capensis Jatropha miskatensis Jatropha spicata Jatropha hieronymi Jatropha marmorata Jatropha ciliata Jatropha confusa Jatropha contrerasii Jatropha euarguta Jatropha fremontioides Jatropha gallabatensis Jatropha guaranitica Jatropha hernandiifolia Jatropha hildebrandtii Jatropha hippocastanifolia Jatropha giffordiana Jatropha hirsuta Jatropha humifusa Jatropha hypogyna Jatropha inaequispina Jatropha paxii Jatropha marginata Jatropha melanosperma Jatropha microdonta Jatropha mollis Jatropha moranii Jatropha nana Jatropha natalensis Jatropha nogalensis Jatropha nudicaulis Jatropha oaxacana Jatropha aceroides Jatropha aethiopica Jatropha angustifolia Jatropha augusti Jatropha breviloba Jatropha oblanceolata Jatropha pachypoda Jatropha pelargoniifolia Jatropha trifida Jatropha tupifolia Jatropha aspleniifolia Jatropha atacorensis Jatropha chevalieri Jatropha calcarea Jatropha sotoi-nunyezii Jatropha mirandana Jatropha jaimejimenezii Jatropha neopauciflora Jatropha palmatipartita Jatropha afrotuberosa Jatropha erythropoda Jatropha kamerunica Jatropha hastifolia Jatropha ortegae Jatropha krusei Jatropha palmatifida Jatropha tenuicaulis Jatropha ellenbeckii Jatropha peiranoi lourteig & o'donell Jatropha rivae Jatropha rosea Jatropha spinosissima Jatropha velutina Jatropha zeyheri Jatropha dichtar Jatropha glandulifera Jatropha brockmanii Jatropha maheshwarii Jatropha paradoxa Jatropha phillipseae Jatropha somalensis Jatropha stuhlmannii Jatropha websteri Jatropha neriifolia Jatropha x ceballosii Jatropha excisa Jatropha stevensii Jatropha podagrica Jatropha multifida Jatropha curcas Jatropha integerrima Jatropha gossypiifolia