Shrubs, often sprawling or climbing, rarely small trees, mostly hairy but glabrescent. Leaves simple, with a pair of stipular thorns which are occasionally wanting, sometimes these persistent on knobs on the main stems; nerves arcuating fairly regularly and interlooping near the margin. Flowers pedicelled, arranged in serial, supra-axillary rows (flowering basiscopically!), or in racemes with the pedicels subumbellately conferted towards the top, the subumbels sometimes paniculate, or more rarely flowers solitary, axillary. Bracts mostly present but early caducous, rarely 2 basal bracteoles. Sepals biseriate, mostly imbricate, the outer pair mostly strongly concave, the inner pair flattish, rarely (in sect. Busbeckea) the outer pair connate in bud. Petals 4, variously imbricate, rather delicate, not unguiculate, the two adaxial ones (upper pair) with asymmetrical base coherent and surrounding a small disk, the two abaxial ones (lower pair) quite free. Receptacle (torus) slightly thickened, ± conical, with a more or less developed adaxial disk. Stamens ∞, rarely (7-)8(-12) free, radiating, longer than the petals, glabrous; anthers small. Gynophore about as long as the stamens, sometimes longer, not or very little stretching in fruit, exceptionally abortive, irregularly coiled in bud. Ovary 1-locular, placentas 2-6, mostly 4, with ∞ ovules; stigma sessile, small. Berry in Mai. globular to ellipsoid, rarely elongate, with leathery or corky pericarp, 1-celled. Seeds (1-)∞, embedded in pulp, obliquely reniform, rather large, with circinnate embryo.
Shrubs or trees, glabrous, lepidote, or pubescent with stellate or simple hairs; leaves usually alternate, stipulate or exstipulate, the blade simple, sometimes sub-tended by a more or less definite petiolar pulvinus; inflorescence various, usually several-to many-flowered, bracteate; sepals 4, free or somewhat united at the base, valvate, imbricate, or open in the bud, equal or in 2 unequal series, usually sub-tending a fleshy or membranaceous disc gland; petals 4, equal or somewhat un-equal, imbricate or open in the bud; stamens few to over 100, the filaments inserted on a discoid or cylindrical androphore; pistil 1-celled in the Panamanian species, with 2 parietal placentas bearing few to many campylotropous ovules, borne upon a short or elongate gynophore; fruit a fleshy silique, tardily dehiscent or indehiscent.
Shrubs, erect, sprawling or climbing, or small trees; indumentum of simple, bifid or stellate hairs. Leaves heteroblastic, simple, spiral tending to distichous; stipules often spiny. Flowers mostly solitary, sometimes in racemes, rarely in panicles; bracteate. Sepals 4 in 2 whorls of 2, imbricate or valvate, the outer pair free or fused in bud. Petals 4, imbricate, unequal, not clawed; adaxial pair surrounding disc, coherent at base, asymmetrical; abaxial pair free. Adaxial glandular disc present. Stamens 6–200, spreading or radiating, longer than petals. Gynoecium with gynophore c. as long as stamens; stigma small, sessile or subsessile; ovary unilocular; placentas 2–10 with few to many ovules. Fruit a berry, mostly indehiscent; pericarp smooth to sculptured, corky to leathery. Seeds 1 to many; embryo circinnate.