Rhododendron L.

Rhododendron (en), Rhododendron (fr)


Angiosperms > Ericales > Ericaceae


Evergreen or deciduous (in Mal. 1 sp.) shrubs or small trees, terrestrial or epiphytic, the subsequent new shoots marked by distinct nodes. Stem often thickened at the base; roots not rarely large with soft tips in epiphytic specimens. Leaves petioled, rarely sessile, spirally arranged or opposite, or mostly in 3-8-merous pseudowhorls, ± coriaceous, entire or crenulate, whether or not clothed with scales and/or hairs. Flowers in a mostly terminal, sometimes lateral, ± condensed umbelliform raceme which is occasionally reduced to a single flower. Flower buds with numerous perulae varying in shape and size from the outer to the inner ones, early or late caducous. Bracteoles 2 at the base of each pedicel. Calyx cup-or disk-shaped, sometimes merely rim-like, ± deeply 5(-7)-partite to subentire, often oblique, persistent. Corolla tubular or campanulate to funnel-shaped, sometimes salver-shaped, regular or somewhat zygomorphous, 5(-7)-lobed to various degree; lobes imbricate in bud, erect to expanded, sometimes even horizontally spreading at anthesis. Stamens 5-10(-14), inserted at the base of the corolla, often unequal; filaments linear to filiform; anthers dorsifixed, in general introrse, very rarely extrorse, whether or not appendiculate at the base, opening by round terminal or ± oblique and more elliptic sublateral pores; pollen agglutinate. Disk mostly thick and ± prominent, 5-10(-14)-lobed. Ovary superior, 5(-7)-locular, placentas bifid, bearing numerous ovules; style mostly as long as, rarely shorter than the stamens; stigma capitate to turbinate, sometimes almost peltate, crenate to deeply lobed. Capsule dehiscent from the top, firstly by whether or not throwing off a soft-celled outer stratum, then dividing its valves into a star-shaped figure, valves thin to very thick, straight or twisting in later stages, the central column persistent. Seeds very numerous, minute, whether or not bearing appendages or thread-like tails at both ends; testa thin, reticulate; albumen fleshy.
Subshrubs, shrubs, or trees, (rhizomatous or not). Stems erect (and/or creeping, prostrate in R. groenlandicum, R. lapponicum, R. tomentosum); twigs hairy or glabrous, (older twigs without peglike projections). Leaves persistent or deciduous, alternate; petiole present; blade coriaceous to membranous, (base cuneate, rounded, or obtuse), margins entire, (sometimes ciliate, plane to revolute, abaxial surface 1/3+ visible except sometimes in bud, surfaces hairy and/or scaled, midvein hairy or not, adaxial surface sometimes impressed; venation usually brochidodromous). ( Winter buds usually large, with imbricate scales; floral buds usually larger than vegetative buds.) Inflorescences terminal (axillary in R. albiflorum, short, corymbiform or rounded racemes (fasciculate racemes in R. canadense, R. lapponicum; fasciculate in R. albiflorum), 3-35-flowered (1-2-flowered in R. albiflorum); perulae brownish, scalelike, dry. ( Pedicels horizontal to erect (recurved); bracteoles 2, brownish, scalelike, basal.) Flowers bisexual, weakly bilaterally symmetric (radially symmetric in R. columbianum, R. groenlandicum, R. tomentosum, scented or not); sepals 5[-9], slightly connate; petals 5[-9], strongly to only slightly connate (sometimes nearly distinct), corolla deciduous, rotate to campanulate or funnelform; stamens 5-12[-20], included to long-exserted; (filaments usually unequal, usually unicellular-hairy, glabrous in R. vaseyi, glabrous or proximally unicellular-hairy in R. groenlandicum, R. lapponicum); anthers without awns, dehiscent by terminal pores; ovary 5[-18]-locular; style inserted in slight depression at ovary apex or smoothly intergrading, (usually curved, long, slender); stigma capitate. Fruits capsular, elongate, usually ovoid to cylindric, dehiscence usually basipetally septicidal (acropetally septicidal in R. columbianum, R. groenlandicum, R. tomentosum). Seeds (10-)100+, flattened-ellipsoidal to fusiform, often tailed, ± winged; testa smooth. x = 13.
Shrubs or trees, terrestrial or epiphytic, with various hairs, and/or with peltate scales or glabrous, indumentum sometimes detersile (the hairs tangled and coming away as a layer). Leaves evergreen, deciduous or semideciduous, alternate, sometimes clustered at stem apex; margin entire, very rarely crenulate, abaxial indumentum sometimes with a pellicle (a thin skinlike layer on the surface). Inflorescence a raceme or corymb, mostly terminal, sometimes lateral, few-to many-flowered, sometimes reduced to a single flower. Calyx persistent, 5–8-lobed, sometimes reduced to a rim, lobes minute and triangular to large and conspicuous. Corolla funnelform, campanulate, tubular, rotate or hypocrateriform, regular or slightly zygomorphic, 5(–8)-lobed, lobes imbricate in bud. Stamens 5–10(–27), inserted at base of corolla, usually declinate; filaments linear to filiform, glabrous or pilose towards base; anthers without appendages, opening by terminal or oblique pores. Disk usually thick, 5–10(–14)-lobed. Ovary 5(–18)-locular, with hairs and/or scales, rarely glabrous. Style straight or declinate to deflexed, persistent; stigma capitate-discoid, crenate to lobed. Capsule cylindrical, coniform, or ovoid, sometimes curved, dehiscent from top, septicidal; valves thick or thin, straight or twisted. Seeds very numerous, minute, fusiform, always winged, or both ends with appendages or thread-like tails.
Evergreen or deciduous trees, shrubs, or prostrate shrublets, sometimes epiphytic, either scaly (lepidote rhododendrons) or lacking scales (elepidote rhododendrons). Lvs alternate, entire or rarely ± serrulate, petiolate. Fls mostly in terminal panicles, racemes or umbels, much less commonly axillary or solitary, pedicellate, with deciduous scales (perulae). Calyx 5-(10)-lobed, accrescent but sometimes reduced to a rim. Corolla 5-(10)-lobed, very variable in shape but generally campanulate, funnelform or broadly tubular, usually slightly zygomorphic. Stamens usually 5-10, sometimes more, commonly twice as many as corolla lobes, included or exserted; anthers with apical pores. Fr. a woody septicidal capsule, usually ovoid to oblong. Seeds numerous, minute.
Cal 5-lobed, much shorter than the cor; cor campanulate to funnelform, conspicuous, regularly or commonly irregularly 5-lobed; stamens mostly 5 or 10, with elongate filaments and short anthers with 2 terminal pores; ovary superior, 5-locular; style elongate; capsule septicidal; shrubs or trees with alternate, deciduous or evergreen lvs and showy fls in terminal racemes or umbel-like clusters from scaly buds. Our spp. 2n=26, except as noted. (Azalea) 850, mainly N. Hemisphere.
Scales sessile, flat, slightly impressed, generally of two different sizes (i.e. very many smaller, and fewer much larger ones, irregularly mixed), all very dense, touching or partly overlapping each other, the centre very dark (sooty to blackish brown) and large in relation to the paler marginal zone, the latter irregularly several-lobed or-incised up to the centre (the broad lobes again, but more shortly lobed) and becoming silvery in later stages.
Scales +-dendroid, each on top of a distinct and ± persistent epidermal tubercle, thus both surfaces or at least the undersurface of the leaves densely tubercled and scabrid or rough to the touch in later glabrescent stages; marginal zone usually wide, deeply, often narrowly incised (then becoming similar to a stellate hair). Corolla various, mostly shortly tubular and +-zygomorphous, rarely elongate and funnel-or salver-shaped.
Scales disk-shaped, i.e. their marginal zone entire or almost so (at most slightly—regularly or mostly irregularly—crenulate) and narrow in relation to the generally darker, often thick or swollen centre, on the branchlets and/or the pedicels sometimes on top of thick, persistent, wart-like stalks. Corolla mostly ± shortly tubular, rarely funnel-shaped or (tubular-)campanulate, lobes erect to spreading.
Scales star-shaped to various degree, mostly flat, rarely subdendroid, rarely each on top of a low, hardly permanent epidermal tubercle, ± equal in size, distant from each other. Corolla tubular, salver-shaped, tube straight or slightly curved, long and narrow, lobes relatively short (at most ¼ as long as the total corolla), spreading ± horizontally.
Scales disk-shaped, entire or nearly so (subcrenate), their marginal zone narrower and thinner than the mostly thick centre. Corolla salver-shaped, tube elongate and +-narrow, straight or slightly curved, lobes equalling ¼ or less of the total length of the corolla, spreading ± horizontally.
Scales 'star-shaped' to various degree, mostly (rather) small, already distant from each other on the young leaves, the thin marginal zone ± irregularly dented or lobed, often early dissolute (the remaining centre then giving the impression of a disk-shaped scale).
Plants elepidote. Leaves persistent or deciduous in the wild state in Asia, persistent in Malesia including the cultivated species introduced from Asia. Flowers (1-3, rarely more), from the terminal bud; leafy shoots from the axil of lower perulae of the same bud.
Compact shrub, forming cushions or mats, very densely foliate. Leaves linear-lanceolate or oblanceolate. Flowers solitary, or more rarely in twos, nodding from the apex of a robust, upright pedicel which is much outstanding above the foliage.
Leaves densely tomentose or villous by simple hairs initially (new shoots) or in young stages at least beneath, mostly glabrescent at maturity, margin ± cartilaginous characteristically undulated when dry; nerves 12-20, ± parallel.
Scales very dense, in general rather large, touching or slightly overlapping each other, forming a coherent layer on the undersurface of (sub)mature leaves, which is persistent for a rather long time. Corolla of various shape.
Leaves medium-sized, (0.6-)1-4 (rarely in part in the same specimen up to 7) by (0.4-)1-2 (rarely in part in the same specimen up to 2.5, very rarely up to 3) cm, of various form other than linear or narrow-lanceolate.
Plants entirely elepidote. Leaves evergreen. Flowers from terminal buds (several to many); leafy branchlets (new foliate shoots) from separate lateral buds, from the axils of the leaves of the past season.
Plants entirely elepidote. Leaves evergreen. Flowers from terminal buds (several to many); leafy branchlets (new foliate shoots) from separate lateral buds, from the axils of the leaves of the past season.
Plants entirely elepidote. Leaves deciduous. Flowers (several to many) from a strictly floral terminal bud; leafy shoots from lateral buds below, i.e. from the axils of the leaves of the past season.
Floral buds, respectively inflorescences, though seemingly terminal, in reality lateral, mostly several together, starting from the axil(s) of the uppermost leaf (or leaves).
Plants lepidote, i.e. covered with scales (epidermal trichomes) at least on the undersurface of the young leaves, generally also on the branchlets and in the floral region.
Leaves linear or narrow-lanceolate, opposite or in 3-8 (sometimes up to 15)-merous pseudowhorls, 3-7 (rarely up to 11) mm wide (at least 1.3 cm long, mostly much longer).
Branchlets with appressed, flattened, mostly brown hairs, or with flattened and normal (not-flattened) hairs. Leaves ± scattered on the branchlets, +-strigose.
Leaves rather large, all or at least for their greater number in the same specimen longer than 4 cm, mostly much longer, and of various shape.
Leaves very small, 3-10 (rarely in part up to 20) by 2-6(-7, rarely up to 8) mm. Slender, often dwarf, terrestrial or epiphytic shrubs.
Calyx small or obscure. Stamens 10. Seeds shortly and irregularly winged at both ends.
Differs from all other series of subsect. Euvireya by having only 5 stamens.
Seeds manifestly appendaged by ± long tails or wings at both ends.
Leaves linear, 1-1.5 mm wide, in dense ± 20-merous pseudowhorls.
Stamens 5. Corolla funnel-shaped.
Life form perennial
Growth form shrub
Growth support -
Foliage retention evergreen
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) 1.0 - 1.5
Mature height (meter) 1.0 - 1.5
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Most species occur as terrestrial substage shrubs or as epiphytes in the mountain forest, especially in the moss forest, and only occasionally (and then apparently always as epiphytes) in lowland forest, even in the mangrove (R. brookeanum and R. longiflorum). Terrestrial in general in the fringes of the upper forest belt and adjacent savannahs, they may grow there occasionally as epiphytes on Podo-carpus and tree-ferns. They become dwarfs in the alpine zone in grassland and on rocks, reaching altitudes of about 4000 m both in Borneo (Mt Kinabalu) and in New Guinea. In most epiphytic species flowering seems to be rather irregular, so that flowers may be found during the whole year, other (and predominantly the terrestrial) species have a more pronounced flowering time.
Light 4-7
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity 2-4
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 9-10


Uses. Although the wood is hard, no real use is known as apparently the stems are to small in diameter in general. The flowers are occasionally used for decoration purposes by the natives.
Uses medicinal wood
Edible -
Therapeutic use Diuretic (unspecified), Poison (unspecified), Anodyne (unspecified)
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Can be grown by cuttings, graftings or seedlings.
Mode cuttings graftings seedlings
Germination duration (days) 50 - 90
Germination temperacture (C°) 12 - 15
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Rhododendron unspecified picture


Rhododendron world distribution map, present in Australia, China, Indonesia, Iceland, New Zealand, Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, and United States of America


LSID urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:327085-2
WFO ID wfo-4000033027
BDTFX ID 84886
INPN ID 197174
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link



Lower taxons

Rhododendron ponticum Rhododendron molle Rhododendron ferrugineum Rhododendron kanehirae Rhododendron dauricum Rhododendron myrtifolium Rhododendron boninense Rhododendron aureum Rhododendron mucronulatum Rhododendron alabamense Rhododendron albiflorum Rhododendron atlanticum Rhododendron austrinum Rhododendron bakeri Rhododendron camtschaticum Rhododendron carolinianum Rhododendron chapmanii Rhododendron coryi Rhododendron flammeum Rhododendron oblongifolium Rhododendron occidentale Rhododendron vaseyi Rhododendron vanhoeffenii Rhododendron fauriei Rhododendron mariae Rhododendron edgeworthii Rhododendron excellens Rhododendron nuttallii Rhododendron sinonuttallii Rhododendron liliiflorum Rhododendron chunienii Rhododendron kiangsiense Rhododendron levinei Rhododendron megacalyx Rhododendron ciliatum Rhododendron fletcherianum Rhododendron amandum Rhododendron scopulorum Rhododendron ciliipes Rhododendron walongense Rhododendron dendricola Rhododendron davidsonianum Rhododendron siderophyllum Rhododendron racemosum Rhododendron augustinii Rhododendron hutchinsonianum Rhododendron amesiae Rhododendron searsiae Rhododendron polylepis Rhododendron hemitrichotum Rhododendron scabrifolium Rhododendron spiciferum Rhododendron bracteatum Rhododendron heliolepis Rhododendron rubiginosum Rhododendron tapetiforme Rhododendron dasypetalum Rhododendron amundsenianum Rhododendron psilostylum Rhododendron impeditum Rhododendron polycladum Rhododendron capitatum Rhododendron rupicola Rhododendron setosum Rhododendron x fittianum Rhododendron calostrotum Rhododendron saluenense Rhododendron fragariiflorum Rhododendron hainanense Rhododendron traillianum Rhododendron wardii Rhododendron esetulosum Rhododendron chamaezelum Rhododendron shweliense Rhododendron bivelatum Rhododendron callimorphum Rhododendron fulvum Rhododendron phaeochrysum Rhododendron citriniflorum Rhododendron martinianum Rhododendron baileyi Rhododendron bathyphyllum Rhododendron circinnatum Rhododendron parmulatum Rhododendron ramsdenianum Rhododendron trichocladum Rhododendron laudandum Rhododendron erosum Rhododendron dekatanum Rhododendron miniatum Rhododendron sherriffii Rhododendron pudorosum Rhododendron dignabile Rhododendron ludlowii Rhododendron populare Rhododendron thomsonii Rhododendron euchroum Rhododendron glischrum Rhododendron habrotrichum Rhododendron praestans Rhododendron erythrocalyx Rhododendron dumicola Rhododendron eurysiphon Rhododendron exasperatum Rhododendron sanguineum Rhododendron auritum Rhododendron venator Rhododendron coryanum Rhododendron galactinum Rhododendron inopinum Rhododendron paradoxum Rhododendron semnoides Rhododendron balfourianum Rhododendron catacosmum Rhododendron chionanthum Rhododendron elegantulum Rhododendron floccigerum Rhododendron platypodum Rhododendron stewartianum Rhododendron uvariifolium Rhododendron beesianum Rhododendron anthosphaerum Rhododendron lacteum Rhododendron adenogynum Rhododendron taliense Rhododendron discolor Rhododendron sutchuenense Rhododendron maculiferum Rhododendron rufescens Rhododendron vialii Rhododendron auriculatum Rhododendron faberi Rhododendron hanceanum Rhododendron sargentianum Rhododendron chunii Rhododendron oreotrephes Rhododendron macrophyllum Rhododendron pennsylvanicum Rhododendron prinophyllum Rhododendron prunifolium Rhododendron nudiflorum Rhododendron roseum Rhododendron cumberlandense Rhododendron obtusum Rhododendron redowskianum Rhododendron schlippenbachii Rhododendron mengtszense Rhododendron spanotrichum Rhododendron thayerianum Rhododendron pendulum Rhododendron maddenii Rhododendron taronense Rhododendron pseudociliipes Rhododendron ciliicalyx Rhododendron pachypodum Rhododendron moupinense Rhododendron dendrocharis Rhododendron petrocharis Rhododendron monanthum Rhododendron flavantherum Rhododendron kasoense Rhododendron zaleucum Rhododendron yunnanense Rhododendron micranthum Rhododendron trichanthum Rhododendron triflorum Rhododendron wongii Rhododendron spinuliferum Rhododendron duclouxii Rhododendron hippophaeoides Rhododendron thymifolium Rhododendron minyaense Rhododendron bulu Rhododendron telmateium Rhododendron nivale Rhododendron arizelum Rhododendron roxieanum Rhododendron schistocalyx Rhododendron sphaeroblastum Rhododendron codonanthum Rhododendron brachyanthum Rhododendron comisteum Rhododendron leptopeplum Rhododendron leptothrium Rhododendron lochmium Rhododendron albertsenianum Rhododendron argipeplum Rhododendron basilicum Rhododendron sinogrande Rhododendron lepidostylum Rhododendron mackenzianum Rhododendron preptum Rhododendron protistum Rhododendron sidereum Rhododendron trichophorum Rhododendron bainbridgeanum Rhododendron crinigerum Rhododendron sperabile Rhododendron hirtipes Rhododendron peregrinum Rhododendron bonvalotii Rhododendron primuliflorum Rhododendron feddei Rhododendron bachii Rhododendron formosanum Rhododendron mariesii Rhododendron kawakamii Rhododendron westlandii Rhododendron longipes Rhododendron argyrophyllum Rhododendron simiarum Rhododendron morii Rhododendron wiltonii Rhododendron hemsleyanum Rhododendron ririei Rhododendron watsonii Rhododendron insigne Rhododendron tutcherae Rhododendron emarginatum Rhododendron hancockii Rhododendron polytrichum Rhododendron pachyphyllum Rhododendron sparsifolium Rhododendron wumingense Rhododendron anthopogonoides Rhododendron oligocarpum Rhododendron urophyllum Rhododendron leishanicum Rhododendron breviperulatum Rhododendron coeloneurum Rhododendron selense Rhododendron lukiangense Rhododendron vernicosum Rhododendron annae Rhododendron coriaceum Rhododendron detersile Rhododendron mekongense Rhododendron nakaharae Rhododendron pseudochrysanthum Rhododendron rupivalleculatum Rhododendron ziyuanense Rhododendron meridionale Rhododendron fuchsiifolium Rhododendron vaniotii Rhododendron brevinerve Rhododendron chihsinianum Rhododendron haofui Rhododendron pulchroides Rhododendron griffithianum Rhododendron asterochnoum Rhododendron jingangshanicum Rhododendron wolongense Rhododendron decorum Rhododendron miyiense Rhododendron praevernum Rhododendron oreodoxa Rhododendron fortunei Rhododendron orbiculare Rhododendron maoerense Rhododendron verruciferum Rhododendron gonggashanense Rhododendron davidii Rhododendron huanum Rhododendron grande Rhododendron montroseanum Rhododendron oreogenum Rhododendron magnificum Rhododendron rothschildii Rhododendron rex Rhododendron hodgsonii Rhododendron campylocarpum Rhododendron longicalyx Rhododendron strigillosum Rhododendron ochraceum Rhododendron pachytrichum Rhododendron pilostylum Rhododendron dasycladoides Rhododendron papillatum Rhododendron irroratum Rhododendron kendrickii Rhododendron araiophyllum Rhododendron guizhouense Rhododendron pingbianense Rhododendron pingianum Rhododendron hunnewellianum Rhododendron arboreum Rhododendron niveum Rhododendron delavayi Rhododendron lanigerum Rhododendron montiganum Rhododendron pomense Rhododendron purdomii Rhododendron przewalskii Rhododendron lulangense Rhododendron wightii Rhododendron shanii Rhododendron rufum Rhododendron wallichii Rhododendron kyawii Rhododendron facetum Rhododendron flavoflorum Rhododendron barbatum Rhododendron haematodes Rhododendron neriiflorum Rhododendron aperantum Rhododendron chamaethomsonii Rhododendron hookeri Rhododendron cyanocarpum Rhododendron ovatum Rhododendron mitriforme Rhododendron hongkongense Rhododendron tianlinense Rhododendron medoense Rhododendron stamineum Rhododendron cavaleriei Rhododendron moulmainense Rhododendron huguangense Rhododendron latoucheae Rhododendron pulchrum Rhododendron subflumineum Rhododendron atrovirens Rhododendron mucronatum Rhododendron rufohirtum Rhododendron crassimedium Rhododendron polyraphidoideum Rhododendron nanpingense Rhododendron jasminoides Rhododendron florulentum Rhododendron apricum Rhododendron chrysocalyx Rhododendron kwangsiense Rhododendron microphyton Rhododendron malipoense Rhododendron qianyangense Rhododendron cretaceum Rhododendron yangmingshanense Rhododendron viscigemmatum Rhododendron rhodanthum Rhododendron yaoshanicum Rhododendron flosculum Rhododendron flumineum Rhododendron subcerinum Rhododendron loniceriflorum Rhododendron tenue Rhododendron tashiroi Rhododendron cinnabarinum Rhododendron xanthocodon Rhododendron keysii Rhododendron xanthostephanum Rhododendron tephropeplum Rhododendron longistylum Rhododendron virgatum Rhododendron boothii Rhododendron chrysodoron Rhododendron sulfureum Rhododendron camelliiflorum Rhododendron lepidotum Rhododendron cephalanthum Rhododendron radendum Rhododendron x hemigymnum Rhododendron x hillieri Rhododendron densifolium Rhododendron maguanense Rhododendron nanjianense Rhododendron brevicaudatum Rhododendron atropunicum Rhododendron luhuoense Rhododendron taiwanalpinum Rhododendron sikayotaizanense Rhododendron noriakianum Rhododendron chaoanense Rhododendron pinetorum Rhododendron yuefengense Rhododendron linguiense Rhododendron guihainianum Rhododendron neglectum Rhododendron guizhongense Rhododendron heizhugouense Rhododendron gannanense Rhododendron datiandingense Rhododendron taichungianum Rhododendron canadense Rhododendron chilanshanense Rhododendron verruculosum Rhododendron labolengense Rhododendron lungchiense Rhododendron mainlingense Rhododendron qinghaiense Rhododendron tenuifolium Rhododendron mianningense Rhododendron hirsutipetiolatum Rhododendron zekoense Rhododendron gologense Rhododendron yushuense Rhododendron tubiforme Rhododendron pruniflorum Rhododendron heteroclitum Rhododendron asperulum Rhododendron vaccinioides Rhododendron leiboense Rhododendron strigosum Rhododendron dachengense Rhododendron subulatum Rhododendron liboense Rhododendron truncatovarium Rhododendron pleistanthum Rhododendron riparioides Rhododendron leptocarpum Rhododendron poilanei Rhododendron serotinum Rhododendron x sinosimulans Rhododendron torquescens Rhododendron columbianum Rhododendron hypoleucum Rhododendron zhangjiajieense Rhododendron collettianum Rhododendron afghanicum Rhododendron yaoshanense Rhododendron oldhamii Rhododendron minutiflorum Rhododendron magniflorum Rhododendron xiaoxidongense Rhododendron glanduliferum Rhododendron calophytum Rhododendron nymphaeoides Rhododendron vesiculiferum Rhododendron tanastylum Rhododendron laojunshanense Rhododendron sikangense Rhododendron ebianense Rhododendron floribundum Rhododendron denudatum Rhododendron trichogynum Rhododendron zhongdianense Rhododendron bureavii Rhododendron potaninii Rhododendron campanulatum Rhododendron mallotum Rhododendron fulgens Rhododendron cerasinum Rhododendron viscidifolium Rhododendron hylaeum Rhododendron faucium Rhododendron megalanthum Rhododendron subestipitatum Rhododendron tenuilaminare Rhododendron adenanthum Rhododendron hejiangense Rhododendron hunanense Rhododendron myrsinifolium Rhododendron pumilum Rhododendron pemakoense Rhododendron campylogynum Rhododendron genestierianum Rhododendron kongboense Rhododendron linearilobum Rhododendron rhombifolium Rhododendron guangnanense Rhododendron jinchangense Rhododendron fuyuanense Rhododendron dayiense Rhododendron shimenense Rhododendron huadingense Rhododendron edgarianum Rhododendron websterianum Rhododendron brachypodum Rhododendron lateriflorum Rhododendron liaoxigense Rhododendron hypenanthum Rhododendron yizhangense Rhododendron yaogangxianense Rhododendron rushforthii Rhododendron dayaoshanense Rhododendron longilobum Rhododendron weyrichii Rhododendron xanthanthum Rhododendron seinghkuense Rhododendron leptocladon Rhododendron bellissimum Rhododendron x diphrocalyx Rhododendron x fulvastrum Rhododendron diversipilosum Rhododendron taishunense Rhododendron ramipilosum Rhododendron henanense Rhododendron changii Rhododendron hoi Rhododendron balangense Rhododendron hyperythrum Rhododendron lasiostylum Rhododendron longiperulatum Rhododendron pachysanthum Rhododendron fangchengense Rhododendron unciferum Rhododendron longifalcatum Rhododendron williamsianum Rhododendron longesquamatum Rhododendron agastum Rhododendron gongshanense Rhododendron farinosum Rhododendron brevipetiolatum Rhododendron oblancifolium Rhododendron pubicostatum Rhododendron punctifolium Rhododendron barkamense Rhododendron danbaense Rhododendron nigroglandulosum Rhododendron roxieoides Rhododendron lanatoides Rhododendron huidongense Rhododendron piercei Rhododendron coelicum Rhododendron bijiangense Rhododendron championiae Rhododendron octandrum Rhododendron hypoblematosum Rhododendron tingwuense Rhododendron taipaoense Rhododendron litchiifolium Rhododendron viscidum Rhododendron crassistylum Rhododendron rhuyuenense Rhododendron fuscipilum Rhododendron subenerve Rhododendron seniavinii Rhododendron jinpingense Rhododendron saxatile Rhododendron jinxiuense Rhododendron spadiceum Rhododendron leucaspis Rhododendron charitopes Rhododendron caesium Rhododendron viridescens Rhododendron tiantangense Rhododendron retusum Rhododendron declivatum Rhododendron joniense Rhododendron maowenense Rhododendron nyingchiense Rhododendron shimianense Rhododendron taibaiense Rhododendron tsinlingense Rhododendron tubulosum Rhododendron xiguense Rhododendron zheguense Rhododendron xichangense Rhododendron dawuense Rhododendron bamaense Rhododendron dalhousieae Rhododendron lindleyi Rhododendron taggianum Rhododendron roseatum Rhododendron tatsienense Rhododendron rigidum Rhododendron concinnum Rhododendron ambiguum Rhododendron lutescens Rhododendron mollicomum Rhododendron cuneatum Rhododendron intricatum Rhododendron nitidulum Rhododendron yungningense Rhododendron fastigiatum Rhododendron flavidum Rhododendron orthocladum Rhododendron russatum Rhododendron keleticum Rhododendron aganniphum Rhododendron eudoxum Rhododendron eclecteum Rhododendron alutaceum Rhododendron erastum Rhododendron microgynum Rhododendron temenium Rhododendron lanatum Rhododendron proteoides Rhododendron dichroanthum Rhododendron forrestii Rhododendron trichostomum Rhododendron setiferum Rhododendron hypoglaucum Rhododendron henryi Rhododendron rubropilosum Rhododendron calvescens Rhododendron souliei Rhododendron adenopodum Rhododendron praeteritum Rhododendron adenosum Rhododendron naamkwanense Rhododendron clementinae Rhododendron meddianum Rhododendron pocophorum Rhododendron vellereum Rhododendron kwangtungense Rhododendron uniflorum Rhododendron tsoi Rhododendron valentinianum Rhododendron platyphyllum Rhododendron scopulum Rhododendron tsariense Rhododendron faithiae Rhododendron detonsum Rhododendron pyrrhoanthum Rhododendron serrulatum Rhododendron aberconwayi Rhododendron beanianum Rhododendron pugeense Rhododendron trilectorum Rhododendron farrerae Rhododendron yungchangense Rhododendron gemmiferum Rhododendron pubescens Rhododendron invictum Rhododendron tsaii Rhododendron complexum Rhododendron rivulare Rhododendron dimitrum Rhododendron griersonianum Rhododendron igneum Rhododendron sinofalconeri Rhododendron jenestierianum Rhododendron megeratum Rhododendron nakotiltum Rhododendron mimetes Rhododendron pronum Rhododendron sperabiloides Rhododendron principis Rhododendron lapponicum Rhododendron minus Rhododendron anthopogon Rhododendron indicum Rhododendron simsii Rhododendron viscosum Rhododendron arborescens Rhododendron catawbiense Rhododendron periclymenoides Rhododendron calendulaceum Rhododendron canescens Rhododendron hirsutum Rhododendron maximum Rhododendron luteum