Mitrasacme Labill.


Angiosperms > Gentianales > Loganiaceae


Annual or perennial herbs. Leaves in pairs along the stem or rosulate, (subsessile, connected at base by a membrane, stipules not separately distinguishable; one-or curvi-nerved. Flowers either solitary in the leaf-axils, rarely terminal, or in terminal and/or axillary cymose inflorescences, 4-merous. Calyx 4-, rarely 2-lobed, sepals about halfway connate; colleters few or absent. Corolla urceolate, campanulate, or salver-shaped, membranous to thin-fleshy, often bearded in the mouth; lobes exduplicate-valvate in bud. Stamens inserted on the lower half of the corolla-tube, mostly included, filaments usually filiform; anthers 2-celled, introrse, extrorse, or rarely latrorse. Pistil superior or slightly inferior, glabrous, ovary 2-celled with many ovules per cell; styles 2, usually free in their basal and connate in the upper part, rarely entirely connate or completely free; stigma truncate to 2-lobed; anthers and stigma always at about the same height. Capsule opening by apical loculicidal slits, 2-horned, the horns terminated by the styles, which may be torn loose (e.g. Fig. 39l) or remain partly connate (e.g. Fig. 42f). Seeds ∞, minute, ellipsoid or angular; testa thin, endosperm fleshy.
Herbs, delicate annual or perennial. Leaves opposite along stem and/or in a whorl at base, subsessile; stipules absent. Flowers axillary and/or terminal, solitary or in pedunculate umbel-like cymes which sometimes rebranch to form irregular compound umbels, 4-merous, white or yellow, rarely pale blue. Calyx campanulate, 2--4-lobed; lobes valvate. Corolla campanulate [salverform or urceolate], often bearded at mouth, tube short to long, lobes exduplicate-valvate in bud. Stamens inserted on lower half of corolla tube; filaments much longer than anthers; anthers introrse, extrorse, or rarely latrorse, included to slightly exerted, 2-locular. Pistil glabrous. Ovary superior to slightly inferior, with many ovules per locule. Style one, base usually parted, rarely 2 separate styles; stigma capitate or 2-cleft. Capsules globose to subglobose, opening by apical loculicidal slits, 2-horned, horns terminated by a style which may be split or remain partly connate, many-seeded. Seeds minute, cylindric-ellipsoid to angular; seed coat thin reticulate to verrucose or almost very minutely papillate; endosperm fleshy.
Herbs. Stem with the leaves rosulate (scapose) or stem partly foliose with the upper fertile part bracteate (scapiform) or wholly foliose. Leaves decussate, sessile or subsessile, rarely petiolate; in scapiform species the upper pairs sometimes appearing whorled; stipules reduced to a connate sheath. Flowers solitary or in umbellate clusters. Perianth 4-merous. Calyx gamosepalous, persistent in fruit. Corolla usually hairy or papillose at throat; lobes valvate. Ovary superior; ovules many; styles 2, in most species connate for most of their length in the upper part, separate at their base and attached to a locule at a terminal horn, or rarely styles separate; stigma 2-lobed. Fruit capsular, persistent, crustaceous, rarely membranous, loculicidal; horns erect, connate along their length or only at apices, rarely undeveloped; style usually hardened and persistent. Seeds minutely and obscurely sculptured, rarely smooth or coarsely reticulate.
Fls us. solitary, axillary; calyx 4-(2)-lobed; corolla valvately 4-lobed; stamens 4, anthers 2-celled dehiscing lengthwise, us. not exserted. Ovary 2-loculed, styles 2, stigma us. capitate; ovules ∞, placentae peltate. Capsule opening along inner margin, seeds ∞.Some 35 spp. from Australia to eastern Asia, the N.Z. spp. endemic.
Life form
Growth form herb
Growth support -
Foliage retention deciduous
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) -
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Heliophilous plants from dry to wet open places, locally often gregarious, from sea-level to above 3000 m.
Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 6-12


Uses -
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -