Subshrubs, many-stemmed perennials, or rosette herbs, sometimes suckering, glabrous or dendritic hairy. Flowers in racemes, thyrses, sometimes condensed into heads, or irregular cymo-panicles; bracteolate. Sepals obsolete or 5, free, adnate to ovary to summit. Corolla bilabiate, often with calli in throat, auriculate, usually blue with yellow throat, rarely red, pink, yellow or whitish; lobes winged. Stamens epigynous; anthers connate. Ovary sometimes gibbous, 1-2-locular, usually hairy as corolla; indusium horizontal, ±globular, sometimes bilabiate; ovule one per locule, erect to horseshoe-shaped. Fruit a nut; sepals, style, stamens and base of corolla often persistent. Seeds ovoid or curved, without wing or rim. Embryo terete.