Swertia L.

Felwort (en), Gentianelle (fr)


Angiosperms > Gentianales > Gentianaceae


Erect, procumbent, climbing or cushion-forming annual or perennial herbs, with or without basal leaf rosettes; sometimes with thick rootstock. Stems very reduced in acaulescent rosette plants or up to 1.5 m long, branching from the base or unbranched apart from the inflorescence, 4-angled, angles smooth or minutely scabrid-denticulate usually at the nodes. Leaves decussate or rarely whorled or alternate; basal rosette leaves falling early or persistent, with ± winged petiole or sessile (e.g. some populations of S. schimperi); cauline leaves sessile or narrowed at the base, sometimes amplexicaul, sometimes forming long sheaths, usually with 3–5 distinct dorsal veins; the base of the leaves with one row of colleters all around, at the margins or in the median. Inflorescence a thyrse, botryoid or corymb, single-to many-flowered; pedicels often long and distinct. Flowers 4–5 (rarely 6–7)-merous. Calyx lobes divided to the base, usually ± unequal, 2–3 wider and longer than the remaining segments, persistent, with one row of colleters at the base of the inner surface. Corolla rotate, persistent in fruit, imbricate in aestivation (contorted to the left or sometimes paratact); tube short; lobes with 1–2 nectaries (small pits) at the base; nectaries flat or pocket-like, margins naked or fimbriate, fimbriae 4–25, free or connate at the base. Stamens epipetalous with slender, subulate or dorsiventrallyflattened filaments inserted in the sinuses of corolla lobes, with or without scale-like projections at their attachment points; anthers with 2 thecae, oblong or ellipsoidal, versatile or dorsifixed, with or without apical appendages. Gynoecium bicarpellate; style obsolete or distinct; stigma bilobed, lobes becoming more distinct in fruiting stage; ovary oblong or ovoid, unilocular, parietal placentae large, conspicuous or indistinct; ovules (few-)numerous. Capsule light grey or purplish, dehiscing septicidally into 2 valves. Seeds light brown or grey, few to numerous, smooth, winged or with ridge-like outgrowths, the outgrowths continuous or interrupted in outline.
Herbs annual or perennial. Roots fibrous or woody; primary roots with few secondary rootlets or rhizomes short and with few fleshy adventitious rootlets. Stems absent, scapiform, or well developed, ascending or erect, terete, striate or angled, simple or branched. Leaves opposite, rarely alternate or whorled, margin entire. Inflorescences cymose, usually grouped into simple or paniculate thyrses, rarely strictly dichotomous, sometimes reduced to single flowers and inflorescences racemelike or flowers solitary and terminal. Flowers 4-or 5-merous. Calyx and corolla rotate, lobed to base, tubes less than 3 mm. Nectaries 1 or 2 per corolla lobe, with fimbriate margin or represented by naked spotlike gland patches. Stamens inserted at base of corolla tube. Ovary 1-celled. Style short to elongate. Capsules 2-valved, few to many seeded. Seeds small.
Cauline leaves opposite in distant pairs, sessile or very shortly petiolate; basal leaves (sometimes soon deciduous) narrowed into a petiole.
Corolla 4–5 lobed, white, blue or yellow, with a very short tube; lobes erect, with 1-2 basal glandular nectaries within.
Stamens 4–5, inserted in the sinuses of the corolla, shorter than the lobes; anthers small.
Ovary ellipsoid, unilocular; ovules numerous; styles short or obsolete; stigma bilobed.
Calyx 4–5 lobed with a very short tube, lobes linear, lanceolate, ovate to obovate.
Capsule oblong or lanceolate in outline, splitting septicidally, bivalved.
Flowers 4–5 merous in lax, few-many flowered cymes, rarely solitary.
Stems erect, ascending or straggling; simple or branched, 4-ridged.
Seeds numerous subglobose, compressed, faveolate or frilled.
Annual or perennial herbs.
Life form
Growth form herb
Growth support -
Foliage retention deciduous
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) -
Root system adventitious-root fibrous-root rhizome
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color -
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 4-10


Uses -
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Swertia unspecified picture


Swertia world distribution map, present in China and United States of America


LSID urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:30002722-2
WFO ID wfo-4000037134
BDTFX ID 87279
INPN ID 198106
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link


Anagallidium Rellesta Agathotes Synallodia Adenopogon Narketis Swertia

Lower taxons

Swertia zeylanica Swertia wattii Swertia welwitschii Swertia woodii Swertia yezo-alpina Swertia striata Swertia swertopsis Swertia tashiroi Swertia taylorii Swertia lurida Swertia staintonii Swertia grandiflora Swertia lastii Swertia lactea Swertia volkensii Swertia obtusa Swertia polynectaria Swertia pseudohookeri Swertia piloglandulosa Swertia alternifolia Swertia acaulis Swertia densifolia Swertia crassiuscula Swertia fedtschenkoana Swertia banzragczii Swertia barunensis Swertia beddomei Swertia calcicola Swertia coerulescens Swertia candelabrum Swertia chirata Swertia chirayta Swertia steenisii Swertia mildbraedii Swertia mileensis Swertia thomsonii Swertia iberica Swertia japonica Swertia lawii Swertia leduci Swertia longifolis Swertia juzepczukii Swertia javanica Swertia scottii Swertia schimperi Swertia schugnanica Swertia pumila Swertia nepalensis Swertia crossoloma Swertia decurrens Swertia corymbosa Swertia brownii Swertia burmanica Swertia assamensis Swertia lihengiana Swertia bimaculata Swertia connata Swertia erosula Swertia marginata Swertia veratroides Swertia fimbriata Swertia kilimandscharica Swertia eminii Swertia usambarensis Swertia petiolata Swertia handeliana Swertia divaricata Swertia erythrosticta Swertia emeiensis Swertia calycina Swertia forrestii Swertia bifolia Swertia przewalskii Swertia wolfgangiana Swertia cuneata Swertia gyacaensis Swertia wardii Swertia tibetica Swertia younghusbandii Swertia souliei Swertia multicaulis Swertia scapiformis Swertia conaensis Swertia splendens Swertia verticillifolia Swertia hookeri Swertia virescens Swertia patens Swertia dichotoma Swertia oculata Swertia patula Swertia angustifolia Swertia nervosa Swertia arisanensis Swertia rosularis Swertia pianmaensis Swertia macrosperma Swertia zayuensis Swertia alba Swertia davidii Swertia decora Swertia yunnanensis Swertia hickinii Swertia binchuanensis Swertia punicea Swertia stricta Swertia franchetiana Swertia fasciculata Swertia tetraptera Swertia hispidicalyx Swertia ciliata Swertia cincta Swertia abyssinica Swertia quartiniana Swertia gonczaroviana Swertia graciliflora Swertia haussknechtii Swertia rosulata Swertia macrosepala Swertia kingii Swertia endotricha Swertia rotundiglandula Swertia asarifolia Swertia elata Swertia luquanensis Swertia shintenensis Swertia kouitchensis Swertia mussotii Swertia tozanensis Swertia delavayi Swertia pubescens Swertia paniculata Swertia dilatata Swertia racemosa Swertia tetrandra Swertia tetragona Swertia mannii Swertia lugardiae Swertia engleri Swertia schliebenii Swertia subnivalis Swertia uniflora Swertia speciosa Swertia changii Swertia raveendrae Swertia subuniflora Swertia purpurascens Swertia speciosa Swertia trichotoma Swertia chirayita Swertia sarmentosa Swertia punctata Swertia squamigera Swertia oxyphylla Swertia cordata Swertia tetrapetala Swertia pseudochinensis Swertia diluta Swertia alata Swertia ramosa Swertia papuana Swertia pinetorum Swertia tenuis Swertia membranifolia Swertia intermixta Swertia perennis